Dear All, Below is the list of FATWAS issued against - TopicsExpress


Dear All, Below is the list of FATWAS issued against QNET/QUESTNET in India by the islamic scholars of Darul Uloom Deoband in India. I Hope the scamsters and cronies of QNET/Questnet now SHUT UP and STOP cheating the people of INDIA of their HARD EARNED MONEY. Question: 1664 India As-salaam alaikum My brother is doing net working business with a concept of e-commerce named Quest net .((questnet-india ) I wanted to know is this halal business It starts with A makes the investment of 30,000 by buying numismatic coins. Then A should make 2 members under him B & C ( each has to invest 30,000 ).Then B & C have to make 2 member under them 1, 2, 3, 4, , making the chain of 6 people. Once 6 members are done A will get Rs. 11,500/ once. As the group of 6 people is formed A keep getting 11,500 / for each group only once. The Company explains their business as below Here , all are customers of Quest, and buy directly from the company, not from a dealer/stockiest or distributor like in our traditional business and MLM company. When R buys a nokia phone from Quest with M?s reference, M gets a commission of Rs. 2000.When V buys a nokia phone from Quest with R?s reference, M & R both get a commission of Rs. 2000. When T buys a nokia phone from Quest with V?s reference, M, R & V all get a commission of Rs.2000. When A buys a nokia phone from Quest with T?s reference, M, R, V, T all get a commission of Rs. 2000. So on???.. . HERE WE HAVE THE SAME COMMISSION FOR ALL LEVELS. The numismatic coin is just an entry point into the business. Respected brothers I am very sorry to write such explainatory fatwa, Please mail the fatwa as soon as possible. Was salam Answer: 1664 Nov 11,2007 (Fatwa: 1366/1218=B) According to the detail provided by you about the nature of the questnet, it is not a halal (permissible) business; it is haram (impermissible) by many ways. Allah (Subhana Wa Taala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband Question: 20938 Saudi Arabia I want to know about one business. Which is as following. Sir the business name is network marketing. The process is that I buy one product which is truely HALAL.e.g wathces, Jewellery etc. Aftre buying the product the company from where I bought the products asked me whether you want to become our business parter If I said Yes. Then I become the business partern of that company. And the money I paid to buy the product is my investment. Now if some more persons come to buy the product from this company through my refrece. Then company will give me commission let say 3% to 6% of each product. and the products are truely HALAL. And there is no cheating also. If I make the marketing of this company and asked the people to buy more product from this company then my i will get profit. If i stop then i will not getting anything. Please let me know whether this business is HALAL or not ... i shall be very thankfull to you if you email me this answer. Answer: 20938 Mar 28,2010 (Fatwa: 548/L=186/tl=1431) Network marketing involves cheating and invalid condition. Also, it involves earning profit by unlawful means; hence this business is unlawful according to Islam. It is not lawful to become a member of the company and receive profit. Allah (Subhana Wa Taala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband Question: 7573 United Arab Emirates Dear Mufti, Asalamualaikum, I want to ask is network marketing is allowed in islam? Is it permisable to take the commission from the pepoles works whos is working below you? Answer: 7573 Oct 23,2008 (Fatwa: 1152/993=L/1429) Network marketing is neither based on partnership nor Muzarba (investment by one partner and work by other), rather it consists of many invalid conditions, and it is similar to lottery and gambling. Also, there is so much deception that in the greed of wealth it can trap the entire population in financial crisis. Therefore, it is Islamically unlawful to become its member or to take commission from the work of the persons below you while you do not have a share in their work. Allah (Subhana Wa Taala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband Question: 385 India As-salaam alaikum Right now I m doing business named RCM business it is MLM (Multi level Marketing) in this business we have to make twwo more distributor not more than that it is textile industry but now it also produces FMCG (Daily commodity goods) in this business the company gives us commission on the sale and on the purchasing goods from the company the concept of this business is that instead of giving money to the advertisers it gives commision to the distributor. As the business volume i.e. sales increases the percentile increses.But here it gives the commission from the sales.for eg if we buy a tooth paste for 32 rupees we get back 20% also as compared to other market product it is cheap. My question is that can we do this business. Answer: 385 May 23,2007 (Fatwa: 118=117/D) It is allowed to become member of RCM and take commission on that. Likewise, it will be allowed to sell items purchased thereof and receive benefit. But, participating in the network marketing system which requires adding two members in the network and getting benefit on the purchasing of these members, is unlawful. Also, there are some more evils in this scheme that involve interest and Bai-e-Fasid (transaction having any major falult). Therefore, it will not be allowed to participate it. Allah (Subhana Wa Taala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband Question: 31769 India There are companies who asking online opinion in terms of survey and giving Rs 500 on each survey. For example: do u aware about samsung computers? r u using it? quality is good or not? etc... speakasia company wants 11000 initially then you will get 2 sureys in a week. Total 8 surveys in a month till 11 months. 4000 for one month, excluding taxes.. They are asking 11000 because there is a new way of advertisment called Network marketing also called multilevel marketing. If I bring Two new person to join speakasia company they will give me 1000 Rs on one pair and if they 2 of them bring another 2 and 2 persons then I will get 2000 as 2 pairs now that 4 persons bring 2-2 persons then as per 4 pair I will get 4000 and so on. dis makes pple to advertise abt d company. hence every person advertising it. which makes company to attract more and more person. company uses 11000 to rotate it to public in the form of advertising. Is this allwoed or only survey allowed? Answer: 31769 May 02,2011 (Fatwa: 796/277/TL=1432) Setting the condition of paying eleven thousand to get survey of the company is invalid condition, thus it is unlawful; therefore it is unlawful to join the companies and do surveys. Allah (Subhana Wa Taala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband Question: 43912 Egypt I am willing to invest money with a company called star capital finance Ltd. which basically does the following: The company is based in New Zealand. The investor (myself) creates an account and debits an amount of money to invest with (for example $10000), the company invests these funds in daily transactions and gives back the profits on daily basis in my account. There is no guaranteed amount for profit or loss (this is variable hence the funds are added to my account after each transaction (daily) and I can withdraw my funds totally anytime with no restrictions. The company uses the funds to invest in 3 categories: (1) Gold. (2) Real Estate. (3) Foreign Exchange. Is participating in this Shariah compliant or not? Answer: 43912 Feb 04,2013 (Fatwa: 373/274/D=1434) You wrote where the company invests but you did not write what is the method of its business? In the case when company gives you profit on daily basis, if it is the method of network marketing then it is not lawful as the business item is sold ahead without taking it into possession which is not lawful as per hadith. Rather sometime there is no existence of business item and only verbal sale takes place and profit and loss is also done which is not lawful. Hence it is not lawful to invest in it. If the method of the company is something else then you should write it in detail. Allah (Subhana Wa Taala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband I Hope the scamsters and cronies of QNET/Questnet now SHUT UP and STOP cheating the people of INDIA of their HARD EARNED MONEY.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:38:33 +0000

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