Dear Friends and Neighbors, I am announcing my candidacy for - TopicsExpress


Dear Friends and Neighbors, I am announcing my candidacy for Burlington City Council in Ward 7. Even though I came up less than 50 votes short from winning, I was deeply encouraged by the over 1,200 votes from New North Enders for my State Representative campaign. Many Ward 7 residents from across the political spectrum have asked me to consider running for City Council and after thoughtful consideration, I believe I can bring a positive contribution to the many issues facing our ward. My wife and I consider it a privilege to raise our children here in the New North End. Our oldest attends CP Smith and we are active with the PTO. I run my financial consulting practice here in Burlington, serving entrepreneurs and small business owners throughout the city, and my wife co-founded a blog for moms, connecting passionate moms and families to the communities around them. We have been blessed with neighbors that care for us and I hope to give back to Burlington by serving as a City Councilor. As your City Councilor, I will be a reasoned and common sense voice for Ward 7. I also believe it’s important to have more representation for young families and minorities, as well as political balance, on the council. Over the next few months, I will outline in more detail my campaign platform. But most importantly, I hope to hear from Ward 7 residents on the issues and concerns that they are most passionate about. If elected, I will be a strong voice for our ward and it would be an honor to have the opportunity to represent you on the City Council. Your neighbor and Candidate for City Council - Michael Ly
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 02:39:24 +0000

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