Dear God Our Father in heaven I pray tonight, I thank you for all - TopicsExpress


Dear God Our Father in heaven I pray tonight, I thank you for all that is good that you put in my life. For you have given me the best of things, my family, my friends, the animals and earth. You have fed me when Im hungry and clothed me when I was cold. You put a roof over my head to shelter me and and gave me brothers and sisters for when I feel alone. You lift me up when Im feeling down and send me things that make me smile for the sun shines in my life because of your love dear father and for that I thank you. Dear God I also pray tonight because I am saddened by the evil which is caused from the devil and his puppets hard at work to destroy all that you made good for us. They seek to end loving hearts, to tear us apart, to make neighbor fight, to take our lives. Dear God we need you and your armour, we need your loving arms to embrace us and your armour to protect us as we fight in the name of your love to keep our freedom which you granted us, to keep the love that you surround us with, to preserve your name in all that we do and every part of our lives. We know you love us and we love you and want to keep you in our hearts and this land you have bestowed upon us. We need you to help save the lives of innocence as the devil is lashing out all over this beautiful earth hurting your children, killing our crop, and taking the means to live and work as you have as we know you do not expect us to receive without labor, we are to receive the fruits from our labor. But God they are taking our means to live, eat and stay warm. Please God put you hand down and stop the tyrants, let all they do to hurt us and stop us from the work you planned for us backfire, let their lies surface for all good men and women to see around the world and let them rise up in your name in defence and take back which they have stolen from us. Let all your children come running back to the love of you and your way of life. Please cast the evil out from us so it may not hurt us again. Please also dear God heal our land, your children and let the jobs rise back up so that we the people can and may earn what we need to survive and not rely on a tyrant government that only give with the agenda to harm. Please help our coal miners to Lord as they are struggling also because of this tyranny government,Please open the mines and grant them work. Let us win these fights that they have started with your love. Because all Glory be to you Dear Father and we can not do this without you Please keep us safe while we fight the good fight against evil in as peaceful way as possible. And finally Dear God let us restore your name, your love, your bible, faith and the word of God throughout all the lands. I pray, I ask, I repent my sins and ask you dear father, In Jesus name help us, Amen
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:38:53 +0000

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