Dear Jihadists and sympathisers, I was reading the news about - TopicsExpress


Dear Jihadists and sympathisers, I was reading the news about the increased killings in Syria and Iraq today where thousands have lost their lives. But after some deep thought and analysis I realised this problem is not exclusive to just Syria and Iraq but also Tunisia, Egypt, Palestine, Israel, Kenya, Europe, America, Russia, and the list is endless. Anywhere you become an increasing minority you want the majority to adapt to your way of life and dance to your tune. Since you must think that we are inferior to you in the eyes of Allah, and therefore by peace or war we must be subjugated, can you kindly answer a few valid questions before you carry out the next bombing or beheading? 1. Do you really believe that when you kill the infidel and those who dont conform to your version of Islam, you are going to heaven to live with virgins and associated luxuries such as pure milk, infinite quantities of wine, dates etc etc? 2. Do you honestly believe that a loving God will implore you to perform mass and gross massacres on unsuspecting and innocent human beings created by the Creator? 3. Do you think that God hates the rest of his creation so much, and that he is entirely powerless and so requires your assistance to wipe out the infidel and the non-conformist? 4. Why can you not exist with other people in peace and let life be enjoyable and exciting. Why must you dwell with your brethren in hatred, constant anger, loath and suspicion? 5. When you say your religion is PEACE, kindly explain because we are all confused. We hear peace but all we see is BLOOD. Or will there be peace once all the infidels are wiped out? That surely cannot be true because in Syria and Iraq, even the Shia and Sunnis massacre each other. 6. Most importantly how do you feel when you kill, maim, stoning, slitting peoples throats and put them out on display as trophies? Yours sincerely, A Human Being
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 02:45:54 +0000

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