Dear Lord, We rejoice with the angels in heaven to see lost souls - TopicsExpress


Dear Lord, We rejoice with the angels in heaven to see lost souls come to salvation through Jesus, and we come before You to lift them up in prayer. We praise You for lifting them out of darkness and death in their sins and raising them to new life. No matter what their pasts may have looked like, help to realize that they are new creations, and the slate has been wiped clean. They have been cleansed and now walk in light alongside their Savior. We pray that these new believers would be able to open this new chapter of their lives unburdened and unshackled by the sins of yesterday. When Satan seeks to remind them of and taunt them about their old sins, or draw them back in, hold them tightly in Your grasp and deliver them from temptation. We pray that they would stand strong in the face of adversity, and not relapse into old ways, but march forward wearing the full armor of God, ready for spiritual battle. Make them hungry for Your Word and longing to grow closer to You each and every day, Lord. Let them be sanctified, set apart for every good work - not saved by their works, but saved by grace, equipped to do good and bring You glory. Bring someone into their life to disciple them. We pray for them whether or not they read this prayer - You know them intimately; You know their story and their need. Please continue to lavish them with Your love and help them to be reminded of Your grace and mercy especially in the dark times, because dark times will come - we are not promised that this life will be easy, but we can know that You will be there with us every step of the way. Thank You for that, Lord - we bless Your Name. Please be with these young believers. Holy Spirit, may they be sensitive to Your leading as You help them grow and walk in obedience. We pray that they would love You more and more each day and that they would share their testimony with others that others might be saved. Father, if their family has forsaken them for their belief in You, comfort them and remind them they are part of a heavenly family and that they have a heavenly Father Who will never leave or forsake them. Protect them and wipe away their tears. If they are burdened by the sins of their past, gently remind them that the old has passed away, and the new has come. Help them to live victoriously. If they feel afraid or threatened to reveal their newfound faith in Jesus, give them strength, courage, and discernment. Show them what real bravery is. We pray that we, as their fellow followers of Jesus, would know how to reach out to them, to disciple, mentor, and encourage them. Help us to be good examples and to love one another in great and powerful and sacrificial ways. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 02:25:43 +0000

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