Dear Mr. President, let me start this letter by wishing you a - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr. President, let me start this letter by wishing you a happy New Year, although, belated. I also want to thank you and your kitchen cabinet for not increasing fuel pump price this 2013, unlike your wicked and callous New Year Day’s gift to long suffering Nigerians in 2012, which nearly brought down your unpopular government. In the cause of expressing myself in this sincere letter, kindly forgive me and do not take it personal, if I become emotional and very outspoken while trying to unburden my heavy and hurting heart, which has been broken severally by the many obnoxious, inconsistent and inhuman policies of your unstable administration. The first thing I want to beg of you Mr. President, is to desist from contesting the 2015 presidential election, in the interest of peace, national unity and development. My reasons for advising against your running are numerous and obvious to millions of Nigerians and even outsiders. I do not want to dissipate energy enumerating them here for you, your hirelings and apologists. Just that Nigerians want a competent, firm, bold, courageous and strong willed candidate in 2015, irrespective of tribe, religion and even gender. You and I know that Jonathan lacks these vital leadership qualities, which is why our once great nation has been drifting apart like sheep without a shepherd in recent times. In fact, it is no longer news that Jonathan has failed Nigerians woefully in all facets of national leadership since assuming office by stroke of luck and tribal blackmail. Mr. President, also warn those flooding and defacing the beautiful city of Abuja with your 2015 posters to immediately desist from such despicable act. Enough of the amateurish denials from your camp and aides that they do not know the origin of those embarrassing posters, most of which were poorly printed and designed. Again, Mr. President, we are tired of your empty promises on how you intend tackling and taming the activities of dreaded and outlawed Islamic sect, Boko Haram. We want you to stop the unending massacres of innocent and defenseless Nigerians this 2013, by putting an end to the ruthless and lawless activities of Boko Haram. If you cannot protect the lives and property of your citizens, who are constantly being slaughtered like Christmas chickens and Sallah rams, I think the proper thing to do is to quit office honourably. The mess at our NNPC is now a global disgrace, hope you will have the guts and balls to clean the Augean stable this 2013? You can’t continue to fight corruption with kid gloves this New Year, Mr. President. We are tired of rhetoric and rehearsed speeches from Aso Rock spin doctors and megaphones. Mr. President, no nation prospers without adequately catering and providing for its teeming youths. Our youths are suffering because your government has refused to gainfully employ and empower most of them. And the result today is the increase in crimes rate and other social vices. I’m not a soothsayer, but for your tottering government to make meaningful impact this 2013, you must take the worrisome issue of unemployment seriously, especially as it affects our youths. A wise saying has it that: “The worst danger that confronts the younger generation is the example set by the older generation.” Mr. President, our dear country, Nigeria, is fast becoming a Banana republic due to the absence of law and order. Urgently do something about our nation’s very poor and appalling security situation this New Year. We do not want the ugly scenarios of 2012 to repeat itself again. Enough of the anarchy and jungle justice. Once again, do not allow 2015 to disturb or derail your plans and programmes for 2013, even though you are yet to unveil them. For once, let us feel the impact of your much vaunted transformation agenda this New Year. Enough of the personal pockets transformation agenda that has come to characterize your government. Let the true transformation manifest in the areas of social amenities and good governance. It is a big shame that we are still talking about electricity, good roads, functional educational system, pipe borne water, good healthcare and the rest of them in 2013. Quite nauseating? You cannot achieve anything without tackling corruption headlong in high places, starting from your cronies and kitchen cabinet members. So, my dear Mr. President, this is the time to hit the ground and start running, enough of the crawling. Although, he has refuted it, but kindly warn your minister in charge of Agriculture, one Adesina, not to play Father Christmas with our tax payers sweat. No serious government in this world, not even Somalia and Afghanistan will tinker with the idea of wasting N60 billion on the procurement of phones for its farmers. On what basis, Mr. President? For the mere fact that your government actually thought of going on this squander-mania with public money, clearly shows that it lacks direction, vision, focus and sense of investment. Mr. President, remember that he who takes the wrong direction, has a long road ahead. 2013, is still not too late to retrace your steps and make disillusioned and despondent Nigerians proud and happy again. My advise is that you should endeavour not to move or walk towards the wrong direction this 2013. And the only way you can achieve that is by being a compassionate and hard working leader with listening ears. A country as rich and blessed as Nigeria should not have its citizens crying and lamenting every day due to poverty and hardship caused by its inept and kleptomaniac rulers. Do away with most of your incompetent ministers, too many advisers and aides, especially those who are not performing or neck deep in corrupt practices this 2013. This is the time to act wisely Mr. President because you must not fail us again this year. Lest I forget, Mr. President, why did you allow Dana Air to resume flight operations, when they are yet to fully compensate the families and victims of last year’s painful and avoidable air crash? A leader that loves and cherishes his citizens, especially those still mourning loved ones in such a monumental national tragedy will never take such an irrational and irresponsible decision. Hope all those involved in the fuel subsidy scam will not be decorated with national honours and awards soon, Mr. President? For now, let me stop here in order not to bore you with a very long letter, Mr. President. Your concerned citizen, OBI MICHEAL
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:18:56 +0000

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