Dear Mr. (current P.O), June 29, 2013 I have one other concern - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr. (current P.O), June 29, 2013 I have one other concern that is urgent and I want your help to get it taken care of as soon as possible. I wanted to talk about it with you Tuesday though we spent hours on other points. One of the supposed conditions of my sentenced probation was that I get MANDATED mental-health treatment, to the extent that I would be monitored and forced to take psychiatric medications if experts determined (I have this in black & white if you don’t). The sentencing judge, Donald S____, said I needed to deal with a “demon inside” that impelled the offense (that’s on the web and elsewhere; I suppose he’s Catholic and/or heavily influenced by the movie “The Exorcist”—I’m quietly laughing, sort of). For a handful of informative mailings many in the community received (some written by psychologists, some by child-development professionals, some by scholars such as Noam Chomsky, etc.), and some thoughts in chalk and paint that declared people should stop abusing—or F-ing—with kids. Wow--watch out world! Perhaps what is necessary is that I’m ordered to stay clear of Dr. Pepper and Snickers bars on Saturday nights after writing legal pleadings! That combo is dangerous, I’m being told—at least by “foodies.” Upon my release in October, I went to probation the next day and talked with my assigned P.O. Juan M_______. We went through all the conditions and requirements, yet curiously he left out the mental-health provision. This “requirement” wasn’t even mentioned though it WAS prominent to that point. So I asked. He nervously replied: “Well, we never cared about that. We know you’re saner than 99% of the people out there. And smart as hell too.” So I asked why the emphasis of that in court and the probation orders. He replied: “We were just messing with you hoping you’d do something crazy.” Again, I asked why. “We know you’re not nuts and we wanted to shut you up.” Again, “Why?” Response, a wry smile. Me: “So I’m right?!” Another smile, now uncomfortable. I remarked that I’d really like to talk with someone “about all of this. Is that a possibility? It would help me understand.” I haven’t heard anything since—not about “demons,” treatment (including meds), assessments, and so forth that they declared factually and legally imperative. No one in the system has brought it up—except me. Curious. Telling as well. So, my request of you is that we hold them to this. I want to get evaluated, my brain picked and scanned, and so forth. I want counseling. I want to know what experts think. I want them to “determine” if my gray cells function properly and to an adequate level to participate in genteel society. I do know that the COs and other staff (including psyche & medical staff) at Merced, S___ (brief), and S____ (brief) all think I’m stable and sane. In fact, they counted on me to keep people calm and “take care” of things. I do know that the inmates at these institutions considered me incredibly sane (not the highest endorsement, to be sure). I do know that my past students, colleagues, kids I’ve coached and their parents, my landlords and neighbors, f____ clients, and so forth think I’m an okay, decent, and caring guy. I’m betting you do too. Anyway, I’m once again getting “too chatty” (to borrow a phrase from one of my kids). Can we hold these people to this “term” they imposed and get me in to see someone—on their dime as they assured me it would be? Someone competent and respected who can make a report? I have been evaluated by many, including emotional health professionals, and none have come up with “demons,” “delusional,” and all the rest. They will say, and I concur, that I’m incredibly inquisitive, perceptive, a fanatic about being informed, protective of those I love and care about, disdainful of prevalent strands of our socialization such as our propensity towards violence, unjustified calls for obedience, and on. And that I carry “too much on [my] shoulders,” or variously, in my head. And, as many say, “that’s very stressful for everyone.” But that, despite these “flaws,” I’m “remarkable level-headed” and “have a good sense of humor.” Anyway, can you help me get this done? Soon? Then we could declare to the world: “K____ IS NOT A MONSTER!” And especially for caring about the world I live in. That’s the history; that’s the documented evidence. There are some that won’t rest until I will go along with and submit to their speculation, manipulations, and such that I was a thwarted psycho killer and more preying on humanity, out to do damage. Which I simply can’t do since it is not true. That, in the words of one of my alleged victims, “makes no sense” and “isn’t rational.” At this point, I want to assert sense and rationality even more than is my custom. So, can you help? This would “be huge.” For my account and others accountability.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 18:23:07 +0000

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