Dear Persian Realmers PLEASE READ AND DISTRIBUTE WITH ATTACHED PHOTOS. I am sure most of you noticed that my previous account has been deleted on FB. This one is a Page like a Public figure which I was forced to create but which I do not know how long it will be online. I hope to fix this problem but Im afraid all my former contacts, list of friends and posts have been deleted in the process. I would like to let you all know that this was not my intention but the result of a cheap shot by an Iranian Diaspora TV Channel controversial host Parsa Sorbi known for his own foul language on a channel known as Mardom TV ( close to NIAC) who after a rude exchange in which he insulted me for challenging his Pro NIAC Views took upon himself to report me to Facebook with the false claim that I was not the person I claimed to be and that I had registered under a false identity. Clearly the attempt has been to stop me from expressing myself but beyond my persona to disconnect me from my readership and discredit my reputation as an opinionated journalist in my own right. Given the billion registered connections on Facebook and a monitoring staff which hardly verifies the validity of the accusations it receives nor from where it is rooted. The moral prejudice of being ousted from FB and ousted without even an alert and before even being able to alert my readership and Professional and personal connections is clearly a sad outcome and beyond repair. This is all the more ironic that Mr. Sorbi and I had parted on fairly cordial terms after an offline exchange during which we were able to explain our différences in a more sincere exchange and to my surprise he then went at lengths to suggest if I would like to work for Mardom TV to which I responded that I am not sure my Monarchist views would be compatible with his editorial policies to which he responded with a laugh saying on the contrary he welcomes differences of opinion. So I thought that our différences were over but the next day my FB page was deleted and clearly the damage is done. For those who wish to contact me personally if ever I won’t be able to sign in under my real name you can contact me at : darius_film@yahoo I hope that this unfair treatment by FB administrators towards a world Citizen like me will be lifted and that FB will realize that they have not ousted a « terrorist » or anyone breaching the law but merely a free minded Citizen Journalist. In the meantime I would like to wish all those who have supported my posts over the years a happy new Year 2015 and I hope that we will once again be connected in the cyber world and hopefully one day in real life. If not I want to simply say that I will miss you all Persian Realmers who have honored me with your présence on my FB Page and shared your insights and feedbacks from which I have equally learned from. Love You All Darius Kadivar Freelance Journalist Founder of PersianRealm Paris, FRANCE
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 20:48:26 +0000

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