(Dear Reader, Please start below at June 9, and read - TopicsExpress


(Dear Reader, Please start below at June 9, and read sequentially) Dear Diary, Somehow I will find the strength to pen this letter. Yesterday… yesterday...I saw for the first time, in the safety of our Very Own Yard, saw the Danger in our Yard, the devilish little fiend, saw it threaten Momsy and Dadsy, in broad daylight. I still can’t sleep—my afternoon nap time is nearly over, and it is almost time for my pre-dinner nap, yet I am awake, trembling with fear and anger… It started in our front yard... Dads had put up the lawnmower, and Momsy was brushing the grass off his back. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a movement of the leaves of the ground cover in our front yard; the leaves quivered, although the wind was still. At first I thought nothing of it, but then I saw it--BEADY EYES peering out from between the leaves, EVIL EYES, large as my food-bowl saucers! And there it was, a giant RAT! In our yard! GIANT! It was ghastly, deformed, it had long hair, ears like a mule, and instead of a long tail, it had a poof of hair, and the eyes were, were…PINK! It looked for all the world like a giant round Swiffer®, basketball type! It slowly hopped (HOPPED, proving all the more how devilish a rat it was!) hopped out from the lush vinca ground-cover; it moved a little hop or two towards Momsy and Dadsy, EVIL in its eye! An attack was imminent! Momsy paused in her sweep-down of Dadsy, looked down at the furry fiend, and gushed: “Oh! It’s a Baby Cottontail! How Darling!” Dadsy said “Yes, only a Baby”. Momsy HAD to have left her glasses inside the house, or else her eyes were strained from looking at another cruise and travel magazine. Or maybe it was just eyestrain from too many late hours of on-line poker. Neither of them saw the fiend for what it Really Was! (Cheese Whiz, what is my life coming to, I thought. Not only are they both getting senile, both of them are going BLIND! Who will buy my Pupparoni®sticks? ) But with the present danger of the GIANT RAT, I knew I had only ONE CHANCE to save Moms and Dads! I leaped into space, leaped towards the Evil Bugger! Its eyes widened, its nose twitched, and Momsy screamed “NO!” as I leaped! I don’t mind saying that I was frightened a bit as I moved to protect my Humans. In mid-leap, in mid Momsy-Shout, the Evil Fiend hopped back into the cover of vinca, disappearing. I lay, trembling, but joyous that my People were no longer in immediate danger, and proud that I had protected my Family! What happened next puzzled and disappointed me. Momsy spoke somewhat harshly to me; said it was only a little cottontail bunny, and chastised me for chasing it. She was stern in her scolding, although she didn’t touch a hair of my head. Or any of the other numerous hairs of my body. I feel so confused—I risked my life to chase off the Huge Rat from Heck* (*Moms says the other word is naughty), protecting my Humans, and what did I get? I work my paws to the bone, and what do I get? Nothing. Nothng except bony paws. And Momsy scolding me and sending me to bed without my Milk Bone. It was no cute baby bunny, it was the Monster Rat From Heck, and this evening, looking out my window, I see more of them, mostly little ones, maybe Baby Rats from Heck, frolicking and trying to look cute. How clever their disguise! Later. It is dark. In the still of the night, the phrase “Hoppin’ down the Bunny Trail” plays again and again in my mind. Oooooh, even the song makes me shiver! If I ever see Peter Cottontail Rabbit Rat hoppin’ round MY Doggie Trail, I’ll tell Charise the Coyote. Masters of disguise, Peter Cottontail and his ratty family better stay away from MY people. ©
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 16:33:25 +0000

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