Dear World: Tomorrow I bequeath to you one little a - TopicsExpress


Dear World: Tomorrow I bequeath to you one little a crispy dress...with two blue eyes...and a happy laugh that ripples all day long.. and a flash of light blonde hair that bounces in the sun when she runs; and one little boy...with the most gentle heart...two blue eyes...hands that will help anyone he is able and red hair like the most beautiful color of sunsets people write sonnets about. I trust youll treat them well. They will be, once again, slipping out of the backyard of my heart...and skipping off down the hall to their day of school. And for another 10 months they will not be completely mine. Prim and proud shell walk into middle school for the first time, young and independent yet she still wants me by her side. He will be walking into school for the first time knowing that his sister will not walk the same halls and will not be there to have his back, come kiss & hug him in the lunchroom as he proudly says thats my sister. He will learn what life is like without her presence and how to exist most of his waking hours without her. And now shell learn to be jealous. And shell learn how it is to feel hurt inside. And now shell learn how not to cry. No longer will they have time to sit with me on the back porch on a summer evening, just before sunset and watch as it disappears in the horizon. Nor will they have time to pop out of bed when the mood finds them. No, now shell worry about those important grades and which dress to wear and whose best friends is whose. And he will discover the magic of books and how to manage his feelings and replace frustration with humbleness. For all these years now Ive been their sage and Santa Claus and pal and playmate and mother and friend. Again theyll learn to share their dreams with their teachers ...which is only right. For her, when that school bell rings for the first learn what it means to be a member of the group...with all its privileges and its disadvantages too. Shell learn in time that proper young ladies do not laugh out loud...or kiss dogs...or keep frogs in pickle jars in bedrooms... Again today shell learn that all who smile at her are not her friends. And Ill stand on the sidelines and watch her start out on the long, lonely journey to becoming a woman. For him, today brings challenges all of his own. To outlive actions of the past and make better decisions in his future. He will be reminded that just because someone is mean to you it doesnt mean you behave the same in return. I will also send you a young man who believes he is grown. Smart enough to make his own decisions and deal with whatever consequences may follow. A young man walking thru those doors for his last, first time. Dear world please be gentle, please be kind. So, world, I bequeath to you tomorrow one little little boy...and one young man...whom I love with every ounce of my being, every beat of my heart, and to the depths of my soul...and I trust you will treat them well.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 03:42:40 +0000

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