Dear ones, One would have to be living in a cocoon to not - TopicsExpress


Dear ones, One would have to be living in a cocoon to not realize what is going on all around us. Are we recognizing the signs of the times? There have been many an earthquake this week, wars and rumors of wars, many are falling away, many false prophets have arisen and misleading many, lawlessness continues to increase, the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved, and this gospel will be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, then the end will come. When the disciples asked Jesus - what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age, in Matt 24:3, He gave an answer to His coming in Luke but here, He answers re: the end of the age. Jesus answered with much, but His 1st warning was, See to it that no one misleads you. How are we misled? When we dont know the Word. I am sending a warning re: the movie Noah. Dont be misled. I would pray you would not be tempted by the tempter, that you would be alert, hold fast, endure as Jesus said, not compromising and giving your money to those who have such an anti-christ spirit. Instead read the marvelous account of Noah in Gen 6,7,8. Be prepared, know Gods Word. Let the rage of the movie be a platform to give a reason for your hope, and share the truth about Noah and how the Ark is a picture of the salvation that is offered to us in Jesus Christ. Share with love and courage with precious ones who may be misled. We are called to be watchmen on the tower. Be watchmen dear ones, love, janette Subject: THE MOVIE NOAH - FROM A FRIENDS FACEBOOK PAGE My wife and I decided to catch the premier of Russell Crowe’s latest film “Noah” in Hong Kong last night. The movie was showing in 3-D and made its Asian premier on Mar 27th a full day before its highly anticipated debut in America. The idea of having superstar actors Russell Crowe and Anthony Hopkins star in a film that tells one of the oldest stories of mankind definitely piqued my interest. I was interested to see how today’s modern technology could give a modern twist and share this beautiful story with a new generation of movie lovers. Five minutes later, I regretted my decision. I wished I had done more research about the film, I wish we would have saved our money. 90 minutes later we did something I personally have never done in over 25 years of watching films in the theatre. We got out of our seats and left. My head was spinning and I was in utter shock and disbelief. What has happened with America and how could they twist this movie so far from the truth? Noah fails as a movie for so many reasons but here is a list of 5 main reasons: 1. The film’s cast wears clothing that would have been considered modern in the early 19th century! Seeing the characters walk around in shoes, use backpacks, and have fine stitched clothes was an immediate turn off for me from the first minutes of the film. 2. The film promotes Evolution instead of Creation!!! How is this even possible in a Biblical movie? Noah sits down to share the story of creation to his family once again and the film shows how creatures of the ocean appeared, eventually turned into lizards, dinosaurs, apes, and finally humans. Nowhere does it mention that a man was created in God’s own image. 3. The main builders of the ark are angels who fell from heaven and became giant rock creatures! I know it sounds ridiculous and it is! 4. Noah decides that God actually meant to kill everyone. While on the ark, Noah decides to end the human race by killing his family 5. The film’s villain successfully sneaks onto the ark by using an axe to cut a hole, befriends Noah’s son Ham to plot against his father and kill Noah The true story of Noah is so powerful, so compelling, that you don’t need all the Hollywood nonsense to enhance this film. Add a simple storyline a la James Cameron in Titanic and use today’s technology to engage modern day viewers and pique their interest in one of the world’s oldest stories. Unfortunately film director Darren Aronofsky completely missed this point and the result is a cinematic disaster. Watching this movie left a chilling effect on me as I left the theaters. I was outraged, upset, and simply mortified that a story of such epic proportions could be twisted around and retold in a way that leaves audiences completely void of the truth. I shouldn’t be surprised though, the film’s director Darren Aronofsky is a self-proclaimed Atheist and yet this man directed the film! But as I researched more to find out the truth I found his self-proclaimed goal was to make Noah the “least Biblical Biblical movie”. Aronofsky seems to have done the impossible, he took a Biblical story and made it into a secular film that does not mention God once. It saddens my heart to see a “Biblical” film twisted this much from the truth. It shows me how much America has sold its soul to make a quick dollar at the box office. I pray for the film’s director and every actor involved in this production. Taking a story like Noah’s and turning it into something like this can only be considered blasphemy. As a Christian who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ it hurts my heart to realize how many people will see this film and be lead astray because of it. In the book of Matthew Chapter 5 verse 44 the Bible instructs us to “love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you”. My only hope is to pray for the people involved in this film. We need to pray for America. Our country is so lost, now more than ever we need to get back to the basics and embrace God like we did when this country was founded. For all those wanting to see Noah this weekend, please reconsider. If you value the Bible and walk with the Lord it will only leave your heart hurting and in utter disbelief.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 10:02:58 +0000

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