Dear sirs, This communication is to express outrage and offense - TopicsExpress


Dear sirs, This communication is to express outrage and offense to a protest staged in the Food Court of your property on 12-7-2014. This over the top and out of place display was offensive, loudly accompanied by screaming non-shoppers also simulating dying and dead victims, and was traumatic to general shoppers and especially those with children. These kids will associate this out of place and apparently sanctioned by mall management disturbance with Christmas and Santa Clause for the rest of their lives. I say apparently sanctioned because no one was arrested or instructed to cease and desist because this activity is out of place, undesirable and not permitted. I am sure upon placement of one phone call, or reading the newspaper headlines plenty of information will become readily apparent on this issue. I urge you to investigate immediately, as many, many mall goers( the great majority) ,chose to speedily vacate these facilities leaving food un-eaten and goods unpurchased in order to ensure the safety and well- being of themselves and their families. In closing, I will be writing City Attorneys, the Mayors and Police Chief’s respective offices, and Aldermen to express distress in the handling of this incident. I encourage your Offices to investigate, and make changes to accordingly ensure the pleasant shopping experience that the general public expects and is accustomed to in your wonderful facilities. Myself and my family, as well as I’m very sure many others, will not frequent this retail center again until it is made public this type of behavior will not be allowed or tolerated. There are just too many other retail properties in our area to shop at where we can feel safe and remain unexposed to unpleasant outbursts and out of place displays of insubordinance. I leave this with you, and am confident mine will not be the only complaint you receive. Respectfully, Eric Schmidt North Little Rock, Arkansas
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 01:37:59 +0000

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