Decisions!! Decisions!! Decisions!! It is Decision - TopicsExpress


Decisions!! Decisions!! Decisions!! It is Decision Time! This mini movie says it all!! Yesterday, today, tomorrow and everyday after that... ...minute by minute, there are choices to be made... ...some will be small with an almost automatic choice, others loom large and are deemed worthy of deep consideration. The decisions Im referring right now are the little ones - the seemingly simple things, yet their impact on your future vision for yourself is HUGE!! Lets break it down into 3 categories; Eat Lighter. Feel Tighter. Be Happier. ...with an everyday type example for each; Eat Lighter Eg; Coffee date with Your One... Do you decide to order; A: a Skinny Cap OR, B: a Fancy Full Fat Drinkalato with cream & syrup on top?? Feel Tighter Eg; Meeting Your One in the city for a catch-up... Do you arrange to; A: do a walk & talk around the harbour finishing with a light lunch OR, B: catch a train and meet at a restaurant close to the station so you dont have to walk too far? Be Happier Eg; Youre attending a work-related conference, you dont know anyone there AT ALL!...Do you; A: cheerfully & openly approach another solo attendee and begin a conversation (youre both there, so YOU KNOW you have at least THAT in common) OR, B: decide NOW would be a perfect time to check-in on whats happening in social media? I am hoping you would choose the answer A for all 3 scenarios. The A options are great examples to aim for if you wish to Eat Lighter. Feel Tighter. Be Happier - Decide You Are Worth The Effort ...and Act on that Decision! :) Like more of my mini movies with a message? :) :) TinyURL/FreeVickiVideos :) Tag a friend in the comments who may appreciate these tips. Please Like & Share this post - Lets spread the Joy of Lighter. Tighter. Happier. Thank you for watching & reading, Hugs, Health & Happiness to You & Your One
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:01:41 +0000

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