Declaration of Absolution July Fourth in the Year of Our Lord - TopicsExpress


Declaration of Absolution July Fourth in the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand Thirteen When a time has come amongst men, for the salvation of our heritage, our society, and our posterity; to stand up and assume the rightful place as master and sovereign over our lives, our property, and our government; to cleanse the land of corruption; to disband the cords of tyranny and restore liberty to the People; to reaffirm the foundations of our Constitutional Republic; and in gratitude of the blessings of Almighty God; the inherent dignity the Lord of Heaven has granted all People doeth require that they should declare the causes which impel them to act. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven: a time to keep silent and a time to speak up; a time to sew and a time to tear; a time for peace and a time for war. Through sober understanding of our times and seasons, we are compelled to act in a decisive manner; for we believe the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. We affirm these truths to be self-evident, that all People are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights, governments are instituted among mankind, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed and whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the duty of the People to abolish it. The recent history of our federal government is one of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over the Republic. For when such grievous error is so committed against a People; when such malicious usurpations against our Constitution are manifest; when such tyrannical laws are enacted; and when a system, foreign to our heritage of liberty and justice, rules over our society; the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God compel even the most prudent to act. Therefore, let these candid facts be known throughout the world as a testament to the righteousness of our cause. I. They have violated the 1st Amendment by maliciously and repeatedly suppressing the free exercise of our religion; abridging our speech; controlling our press; forbidding our assemblies; and ignoring our grievances. II. They have violated the 2nd Amendment by federalizing our State Militia; harassing the formation of new militia; and with numerous laws and edicts which infringe upon the People’s right to bear arms. III. They have violated the 3rd Amendment by utilizing federal agents, which constitute a standing army, to force citizens from their homes and occupying our property without permission. IV. They have violated the 4th Amendment by endlessly acquiring our private information, searching our persons, seizing our records, and monitoring our ways without probable cause or warrant; and have on numerous occasions, sent their agents to attack and lay siege against the People without cause. V. They have violated the 5th Amendment by indicting the innocent in secret; extracting confessions from captives through torture; depriving us of life, liberty and property without due process; and seizing our lands at will for their own gain. VI. They have violated the 6th Amendment by the legalization of indefinite detention; eradicating the guarantees of a speedy and public trial; and providing neither testimony of witnesses nor the benefit of counsel for our defense. VII. They have violated the 7th Amendment failing to provide trial by jury in civil cases in regard to taxation. VIII. They have violated the 8th Amendment by the forfeiture of bail in varied cases; the imposition of unjust and excessive punishment for all perceived violations of their regulations, orders, edicts, and laws; even in such cases whereas the People or the States exercised their just constitutional authority. IX. They have violated the 9th Amendment by exercising dominion over Natural Law; making themselves rulers over all aspects of our lives: our food; our water; our lands; our homes; our children; our livestock; ruling over the dictates of our health; and many others rightfully possessed by a free and independent People. X. They have violated the 10th Amendment by exercising authority over the sovereign States; holding in contempt our laws and constitutions; overturning the enacted legislation of the People; coercing States into submission with the whole of the public treasury; and utilizing all forms of bribery, blackmail, coercion, deceit, and other acts of treachery to rule over the independent will of our States. XI. They have chartered a private Central Bank and surrendered our currency to foreign control; replacing our money with fiat Federal Reserve Notes; and conspiring with the owners thereof to enact policies of excessive usury, inflation, and artificial devaluation; a malicious act of economic sedition perpetrated upon the People. XII. They have levied excessive taxation upon the People; instituted every sort of threat, fine, and penalty to subjugate the citizenry into compliance; and empowered their agents to terrorize the People with methods similar to those of the tyrants of history, while ignoring all violations they themselves have committed. XIII. They have squandered the wealth of the People through unbridled spending, waste, and fraud; endlessly plundering the public treasury for gain; having implemented policy which led the nation to unfathomable debt and upon the precipice of economic ruin; placing upon our posterity, the heavy chains of economic servitude. XIV. They have become as nobility; elevating themselves and their agents as a ruling class above the People; one of privilege, exemption from justice, and life-long benefits; who arrogantly violate our laws with impunity. W XV. They have legislated through power of the Executive and Judiciary; creating their laws by fiat rather than by consent of the governed; failing to enforce or overturning existing laws to which they disagree, they render the Congress obsolete; and enacting decisions, policies, rules, and orders repugnant to the common law, our Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. XVI. They have elected officers of the Judiciary to Congress; whose sole competence is to pen legislation with such complexity as to overburden the People and our representatives; enacting many of these laws, especially those contradictory to our Constitution, with no prudent debate, study or review. XVII. They have created multitudes of new offices which send forth hither swarms of agents to harass our People; eat their substance; steal our lands; terrorize our families; and impose arbitrary edicts of their own making. XVIII. They send our military to foreign lands to fight in distant battles, against real and imagined enemies; without a Declaration of War; and sacrificing our People’s lives, fortune and honor to serve their economic interests. XIX. They have offered aid and comfort to sworn enemies of these united States of America; knowingly providing arms, treasure, public support, and other provisions to the enemies of liberty throughout the world. XX. They have failed to secure our borders, the primary role of all governments; exposing our citizenry to endless hordes of foreign immigrants; granting them every aid, privilege, and service against the will of the People and at the expense of our treasury. XXI. They have erected agencies of federal enforcement which harass and intimidate the People; usurp authority of our sheriffs; force the militarization of our law enforcement; and united under authority of Homeland Security, act as a standing army among these independent States. XXII. They have arrogantly taken our land and our resources; from the States and the People; as their own possession. XXIII. They have entered into treaties, taken counsel with international bodies, and have established unfair trade with nations; willingly destroying the industry of the People, subjugating our land to foreign control, and eroding the sovereignty of the Republic. XXIV. They have rejected our pleas for justice and maintained the status quo; appointed criminals to authority; and obstructed others in seeking office; two parties share a monopoly of corruption upon the governance of our land. XXV. They have sanctioned the implementation of eugenics through a variety of offices and controls; whose intent is the limitation and eradication of the elderly, the disabled, African American and the unborn. XXVI. They have laid oppressive regulations upon our nation; forcing the People to labor under a heavy laden of compliance; serving only to hinder invention, our industry, and the growth of our economy. XXVII. They have forced their edicts of perversion upon our children, our schools, and our churches; grossly violating the eternal laws of marriage; and destroying the foundation of our society, our family. XXVIII. They have repeatedly committed High Crimes and Treason without account while prosecuting the People with prejudice for lesser offenses; mockingly they hold the rule of law in contempt. XXIX. They have covered their crimes with false investigation, lies, manipulation, and threat of reprisal; speaking vaguely they avoid the truth on all issues; uniting together, they protect the guilty; seeking even to destroy evidence in attempt to hide their acts in darkness. XXX. They have become negligent and complicit to all manner of injustice; laughing to scorn our petitions; being gluttonous, aloof, haughty, obtuse, and intoxicated with power; the servants of interests rather than men. XXXI. They have violated their Oath without remorse; devoid of ethics, they erode the last vestiges of the public trust; delighting in corruption and despotism, they continue to work iniquity throughout the land; holding in utter contempt, the laws of men, of nature, and of Nature’s God, they destroy the moral pillars of our Republic. XXXII. They have buried the truth of our heritage by heaping upon us order upon order, law upon law, and ruling upon ruling; with every step, they stray further from our fundamental laws, our principles, and our morality. XXXIII. They have done all these things and more; in public and in secret; as the ineloquent force which our founders warned; they divide our people; cause derision among nations; devour our wealth; occupy our land; possess our goods; control our thoughts; and ever strive to enslave the People in whom all power resides. In every stage of these abuses we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms, only to be answered with repeated injury. We thus do, with careful consideration, declare our intention to act in the cause of liberty; to eradicate the iniquity of oppression from our land; to secure the legacy of freedom for posterity; to lift the yoke of tyranny from our necks; and to return our nation to the righteous foundation from which it was built. We, therefore, the free People of the united States of America, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do hereby, in the name and authority of our Constitution, and in the spirit of our forefathers, solemnly publish and declare Absolution from the federal establishment; hereby recognizing the Executive, Legislative, and the Judicial branches to be Illicita Sine Meritis, unlawful and without merit; that all its officials, officers, agencies, agents, laws, edicts, actions, orders, and regulations shall hereafter bear no weight of authority; absolving ourselves of all allegiance, bond, obligation, and respect to any office, agent, or representative thereof; seeking to act in opposition to it at every opportunity; and as a free People to defend ourselves against further acts of oppression, subjugation or aggression; until the day this entity is abolished and our Constitutional Republic is once again restored. For the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we once again mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor, so help us God.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 11:48:46 +0000

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