Deliver Us From Evil: “Unbroken white, as far as the eye can - TopicsExpress


Deliver Us From Evil: “Unbroken white, as far as the eye can see. The absence of sun, of heat, the presence of the frigid arrogance of cold. Spruce forests covered the land, hiding the environment with sharp needle like cones the cover the mid winter sky. Fifty degrees below, as uncomfortable as I was, yet alert in the presence of space, of time, with no reason to count. Coming across a divide, the land split into two valleys. One, mountainous, yet it’s outskirts surrounded by smaller islands with more extensive forests of spruce. The other, flattening out into a tundra, spanning as far as the horizon allows it to go. The trail went faint, while my footsteps proceeded to hide in lost history. A foot of snow must have fallen since the last sled had ventured over the land, running from what we call “Them”. I, along with Anniesce, held through the rocky stretch of woods, as we dropped below a bed of snow to a small frozen stream. My cheeks royal red, numbed from the extreme cold, I could do nothing more then fall to the ground to take a short breather. The furrow of the last sled trail was visible, yet 12 inches of snow covered the tracks, leaving behind just a slight, so very slight line of impression. Night was falling soon, high noon just a dream in the land of evil. My thermus was running low, food mix almost gone, and Anniesce whimpering for something, just something small, to nibble on. Soon maybe even my bones if I didn’t make a fire sooner or later. I was so cold, and with night approaching fast, I couldn’t bare stand the fact that I would have the survive the night in seventy five below temperatures. I looked into her hazel eyes, and studerdly scratched her ear as her tail wagged. I looked up into the sky, as snow started to fall once more, dark clouds illuminating the horizon, as dark as the pure heart of a demon. I said to myself, the prayer which kept me going this long, yet has never come true. Creatures still roam the forest, I’m still running. Were my prayers actually answered? I might be out of the sight of evil, but mother nature might still steal a life from a man, me. My life. I grabbed a hold of the bark of the tree, pulling of piece by piece as I fed some to the dog, tricking her on making it seem like some sort of bone or toy. My stomach yurning, the air too cold to start a fire, all I can do is let the tears that ran from my eye turn into small patches of ice as I hollowed softly “Give us this day my daily bread, and forgive me of any debts, as I also have forgiven you for this torture. Lead me not into temptation…” I held Anniesces paw in my hand, warming it up a bit for her… “...but deliver us from evil…” I fed the fire as much dry wood as possible. Night had settled upon the land, and a blizzard had surrounded us two in the middle of darkness. Those sounds, the screams, the curtling noises coming from the creatures can be heard arising over the mountains. They were coming, but we couldn’t go anywhere safely. I had to make a move. They got closer, and closer, and I knew I had to get out of here now. The heavy crystal snow was thicker than fog. No this can’t be happening, it can’t be. It shouldn’t of happened. I was forced out of my home town, I was alone in the world now, I had nobody, I had nothing. The creatures were coming for me. I spoke to the dog, as if it were man. I called to her; but in my voice was a strange note of fear that frightened the poor animal, who had never known me to speak in such a civic way before. He spoke to the dog, calling it to him; but in his voice was a strange note of fear that frightened the animal, who had never known the man to speak in such way before. It knew I was scared. “Stay here! And don’t move!” I scolded it. Never has it ever had heard me yell at it before. I was serious. Anniesce was all that was left of my life. We couldn’t get out of the blizzard, I wasn’t able to leave, because we both would of died. She was safe by the warm fire. I had to fight. She lied herself down onto the frozen ground, as I held my pistol up into the air. Moaning, and faint whispers were able to be heard in the tree’s surrounding the encampment. I shot once, then twice. Hyena like laughing went here and there, behind one tree, then a bush, then another. I couldn’t keep sane of the situation. “Please… you got what you wanted! You took my family, my friends, my wife, you burned down the city. What else do you want?!” Then, from behind a tree, a huge, slush backed beast revealed itself. A skull as it’s face, bear like fur and blood on it’s torso, only a small description of the malevolence before me. I’ve heard stories of this beast before. Man eating, flesh eating, cannibal mammal. What once was a man, now the creature of darkness. I dropped my weapon, as if to surrender to it as a god. There was no need to fight, there was no need to try. I was already on the verge of hyperthermia. I fainted in it’s wake, as I fell to the ground in shock. My eyes stayed wide open, I witnessed everything, I just couldn’t move. It picked me up, it’s breath accumulating like water on the skin of my face, I heard Anniesce cry in the background, as she snarled in protection of her owner. Everything started to go black, as the creature dropped me to the ground, and proceeded towards the dog. I awoke to birds churping up in the tree’s, and a truck riding by on the road just a few feet away from where the fire was. If I would of walked just three feet east, we would of made it to the road and escaped. I wasn’t able to move, my back just hurt so much. I looked to the left, as the truck stopped, and a man, probably a sheriff or park ranger, got out of the vehicle. I was still seeing stars, my head still felt like moving water. I moved my head to the right, and saw the body of a creature, one that resembled a bear, face flat in the snow. The mine, it must have blown up last night, and the mine workers screamed through the night as they all burned slowly in the fire in the shafts. Was, I just seeing everything last night? Were we really hit with a blizzard? The man helped me off the ground, as he threw a blanket over me and helped me to the vehicle. My face was scared up, scratches and thorns all over my arms and legs. We got into the car, and he closed the door behind me. The car was warm, it was comforting, but weary . He opened the door to the drivers side of the vehicle. I grabbed his arm, as he jolted in fear. “My dog… Get my dog…” He rolled his eyes and shut the door. I was scared, I didn’t know where she could of been, but knowing her, she wouldn’t of run away. I mean where would she run anyways? She fought that creature. I reached into my pocket to grab her collar I kept as a good luck charm. It was no where to be found. I checked all my pockets, it was nowhere. How is that possible? It was tied around a chain that looped on the inside of my pants. The chain was gone also. The man got back into the car, and closed the door. I looked at him with sympathetic eyes. “I’m sorry sir. There is no dog…” He turned the ignition, as we started to drive off. The body of the creature, disappeared into thin air. We drove away, as I finally closed my eyes. Jadon Wolfe Nagle
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:30:22 +0000

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