Delta Judiciary At Forefront Of Justice Delivery –Uduaghan - TopicsExpress


Delta Judiciary At Forefront Of Justice Delivery –Uduaghan BY ANDY AKENI/NKIRUKA DIBIE DELTA State Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, has stated that the state judiciary has made the state proud as it is one to be reckoned with in expanding the frontiers of justice delivery in the country. The Governor, who was represented by his Special Adviser on Legal Matters, Barrister Andrew Odum at the ceremony to mark the commencement of 2014/2015 legal year in the state, held in Asaba, congratulated the state judiciary for hard work and for being in the forefront in prompt delivery of justice to all without fear or favour. According to him, “the state is committed to the smooth working of the judiciary, hence the signing into law of the Judiciary Financial Autonomy, adding that with the passage there is need for all stakeholders to sit down and work out how it can be effectively implemented in the state”. While using the opportunity to congratulate Mr. Chike Onyemenam of the Asaba Bar, who was conferred with Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), he assured the judiciary and the people of the state of his administration’s desire to make the state a better place for all to live. In his address, the state Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Charles Ajuyah, while thanking the judiciary for successes recorded during the past year, called on all to work diligently and assiduously to achieve higher performance for our dear state. According to him, “the state government remained committed to its three-point agenda and is committed to the independence of the judiciary, the rule of law and shall do all possible to ensure that a conducive working environment is provided for the judiciary to function”. Welcoming guests earlier, state Chief Judge, Justice Zai-Laye Abiodun Smith, commended the State Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan and his Deputy, Prof. Amos Utuama for leading the state so far in the living quality of Deltans and efforts to finish strong. While listing the successes of the judiciary to include recruitment of new staff, prompt dispensation of justice, building of more court halls, improvement in workers welfare, Justice Smith lauded the state government for signing into law the financial autonomy for the judiciary and hoped that with it, justice delivery will be more effective. In the same way, Mr. Chike Onyemenam (SAN) who represented body of SANs, and Barrister Chukwuma Oseyenim, Asaba NBA chairman, who spoke on behalf of the Bar In the state, pointed out ways justice delivery can be enhanced and lauded the judiciary and the state Government for achievements recorded. Earlier in a church service to mark the ceremony, Bishop Justus Mogekwu of Cathedral Church of St Peter, Asaba urged judicial workers to use their judgements to glorify God and always seek God’s wisdom to enable them do justice to all cases before them.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 18:04:10 +0000

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