Democracy under threat ?? Abbott government announces - TopicsExpress


Democracy under threat ?? Abbott government announces introduction of Medicare tax by regulation !!! effectively reducing primary health care funding via a regulatory loophole. Senate is being bypassed by a sneaky underhand dictatorial regime which is treating our democratic sustem with contempt !!! A delusional Tony Abbott has called a press conference to announce what he laughable thinks a naive electorate will perceive as an acceptable compromise !! in an vain attempt to stem the hemorrhaging of the LNP primary vote. Its unlikely this cunning plan will abate the growing anger in the electorate, the voters have stopped listening. Tony Abbott and Peter Dutton with a televised news conference from the Institute of Medical Research this morning in an attempt to sell the regulatory changes to their Medicare copayment policy to a skeptical public will be pivotal to the electoral fortunes of the LNP. Perceptions in politics are everything, if polling is to be believed Tony Abbott and his government are already seen as untrustworthy and deplitious just how this tactical change plays out with an already cynical public will be crucial if the LNP is to stem the hemorrhaging of their primary vote, failure will undoubtedly undermine confidence in Tony Abbotts ability to reset the political narrative. Todays press call even with cameo appearances by Medical Research spoke persons was yet another garbled erratic performance by Tony Abbott a strange mixture of attempted false humility, a charm offensive and financial pragmatism none of which will convince voters that he is a chastened and reformed character, there is something reptilian about the man a cold blooded psychopath. Strange comparisons of his and Bill Shortens willingness to put their hands in their pockets to meet any co payments due to the reduction in health care funding is plainly ludicrous and contemptuous and will only serve to anger many listening to his condescending twaddle. The utter delusional disconnect of this man is absolutely staggering !! fraudulent misleading of the voters with talk of free medical treatment is duplicitous and arrogant nonsense Medicare is funded directly by tax payers in part by the Medicare levy, we already pay once !! obviously consensus governance is not covered in the LNP hand book which obviously draws more on novels such as 1984 and animal farm for inspiration. Undoubtedly Tony and his band if zealots will be confounded by the reaction of the ungrateful rabble to his latest attempt to change the public perception of his arrogant dictatorial government. Social media has changed the game forever, no longer have the corporate media got an exclusive strangle hold on the political debate, they have been exposed as complicit in betraying the trust of the people !! and running a self-serving partisan pre-election campaign to the detriment of the social good. With less than 2years till the next federal poll the dye is cast, bring it on because Tony is gone !!!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 08:32:55 +0000

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