Democrat Rhetoric Like Bill Clintons Is Creating Small People, - TopicsExpress


Democrat Rhetoric Like Bill Clintons Is Creating Small People, Stoking Their Small Hatreds, and Keeping Them Small October 27, 2014 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: James in Frederick, Maryland, Im glad you waited, sir. Youre up next. Hello. CALLER: Hi, Rush. RUSH: Hi. CALLER: Hows it going? RUSH: Good, thank you. CALLER: This is my very first time calling you, and Ive been listening to you almost my entire life. Im 27 years old now. RUSH: Wow. That is huge. CALLER: I thank my dad for that. RUSH: Well, thank you. Thank him, too. CALLER: I wanted to make a comment about, You didnt build that, like how Barack Obama and all these people think that they didnt build their businesses -- RUSH: Right. CALLER: -- because of these public services? RUSH: Yeah. CALLER: Well, thats exactly what they are. Theyre public services. Every single person in the United States has these services provided for them. If its true that they didnt build that and they only got successful because of these public services, why am I not a multimillionaire? Its because they, the people that are, went out and became exceptional in what they wanted to do. They went out on a limb. RUSH: Well, the answer in their perspective, is because you havent won lifes lottery and they did. No, no, no, no. Dont laugh. Dick Gephardt was the first Democrat to ever say it: The rich are winners of lifes lottery and it isnt fair to everybody else. So their answer to this is, you just didnt get lucky, and these other people did. The one thing Elizabeth Warren also leaves out that you remind me about is that the factory owners also paid to build the roads and the fire department and the police force. The factory owner also pays those taxes and probably paid more in taxes than the people Elizabeth Warren is talking about. Now, you can refute what she said, James, on any level you want, like youve done here, but this is bigger than that. The reason that I spend time on this is -- and I may be wasting my time, but Im interested in the people who believe it. Im not interested in Elizabeth Warren. I know why shes saying it, and I know why Hillary Clinton is saying it. Theyre saying it because their voters demand to hear it. When their voters hear that, they think theyve got a champion. Those are the kind of people that are determining who wins and loses elections. Those kinds of people are determining what kind of country we have. Those kinds of people pose a threat to this country as founded. The average Democrat voter today poses a threat, and the Democrat candidates who feed them and pander to them that way are not helping them or anybody. Because youre absolutely right. If thats all you had to do to own a factory, was to pay the taxes that built it, why arent you a multimillionaire? CALLER: Its just frustrating listening to people talk like they know what its like to be -- like, Im a landscaper. Ive been landscaping for like nine years. My brother owns the business. RUSH: Yeah? CALLER: And he and I have built this from the ground up. We havent had any government help. I paid myself through college, no government loans, no banks, no nothing. I do not want the government in my life at all. The only aspect of the government thats probably gonna be in my life is Im -- RUSH: You know what? In the real world you would be a role model. In the real world, youd be an example that a responsible congressman would point to and say, This is how you can. Instead, you have become an enemy because you have shown that you can do what you did without the government, without assistance, without the redistribution of wealth. And, as such, youre just as big an enemy as Joe the Plumber became. CALLER: I know. The Big Government scared of little ol me? RUSH: Well, they are. Theyre scared of little ol you because a whole bunch of little ol yous might persuade other little ol yous out there that they dont need to depend on government, either. And then where would the Democrat Party be? So you have to be discredited. You have to be portrayed as insensitive, uncaring, or what have you. Its true. In the old days, you would have been a role model. You would have been an example for other people to follow. Today, you are close to being a public enemy. BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Bill Clintons out there campaigning for Alison Grimes. Lundergan is her middle name. Whatever it is. Any rate, Clintons out there campaigning for her. You know what he just said? (imitating Clinton) Nobody can tell me it’s not a senator’s job to create jobs. Nobody can tell me that its not a senators job to create jobs. Nobody can tell me a senators job is not to create jobs. Everybody knows thats what senators do. Senators are elected to create jobs. And Alison, whats her name? Who am I in here for? Grimes, right? Shes gonna create jobs. So obviously piggybacking on Hillary claiming that small business and corporations, everybody knows they dont create the jobs. She didnt say who does, because, again, it doesnt matter, it doesnt matter. All theyre doing, this is whats dangerous, this is what they did for five years during the Iraq war. They are feeding the insane hatred that exists in this country. Theyre creating that hatred and then theyre feeding it, and thats what this is. This is pure hatred. Even Karl Marx knew who created jobs. He just hated them. But even Karl FREAKING Marx knew who created jobs. Saul Alinsky knew. Thats why he hated em. Saul Alinsky knew who created jobs. But the Clintons are out there now with a new one. The job creators are actually not the job creators. Oh, no, no, no. And, again, they know that theyre lying. They know what theyre saying is not true. But this is dangerous, folks, feeding this hatred. I dont blame anybody for not knowing how to deal with it, or how to counter it. Theyre lying, and theyre feeding and theyre creating hatred in their voters. Theyre creating hatred in small people, and then they feed it. Nobody can tell me that a senators job is not to create jobs. Really? How many did Hillary create when she was in the Senate? How many jobs did Hillary Clinton create? And how did she do it, by raising the minimum wage? How did she create jobs, Bill? How does it really happen? You guys want to walk us through the process here? See, that is to get sidetracked. When you accept the premise of their argument and start talking to em, thats when you lose it, because they dont even believe this. The danger here is what they are doing to average Americans. Most of their voters are misinformed from the get-go, by definition, uninformed at worse, wandering around just mad all the time. And these people come along and feed the rage, feed the anger, and create this volatility in the American population thats totally unnecessary. Yeah. Wall Streets evil, Wall Streets horrible, thats where all their money is, though. The Clinton Global Initiative, where do you think it puts its money? I guarantee you its not in a private vault at the Clinton Library and Massage Parlor in Little Rock. But I think its time to stop dealing with these people on the specifics of what they say. Anybody can refute this claim that businesses dont create jobs. To start arguing that is to miss what this is about. These people need to be called out on what theyre really doing, and what theyre doing is a disservice to people. This is the party that supposedly cares about the downtrodden. This is the party that cares about the little guy. They are making little people. They are making people little, and theyre keeping them small. They are fueling an irrational rage and hatred for the country. They are fueling an irrational hatred and rage for successful people of achievement. They are even stigmatizing people who seek to achieve. They are attempting to criminalize people who have different policy beliefs than they do, such as in conservatives. Thats what really needs to be addressed here, cause its utterly irresponsible what theyre doing. Nobody can tell me that a senators job is not to create jobs. I mean, this is insane. The danger is that there are all these people out there eating it up, loving it, believing it, thinking its cool, thinking its right on, dude. The only thing these poor people can do is food stamps, welfare, turn to the government, hope the government will help em get by because the rest of the worlds so unfair and mean and the rest of the worlds targeting them. The system that has produced the greatest prosperity humanity has ever known is being torn down right before our eyes so that the Democrat Party can, in their dreams, replace it with themselves. The Democrat Party wants most Americans to look at it as the greatest success story the human race has ever known, and the truth is it is the exact opposite. It distresses me. Lundergan. Right, Alison Lundergan Grimes. It distresses me. You look at what happened in Wisconsin with Scott Walker. Heres a guy, theyre doing everything they can to destroy him, and all hes done is save that state, and all he has done is rebuild that state from the ground up. But theyre not stopping until they have effectively destroyed him. Reelection campaign now, two or three recalls he had to survive, jury is rigged, game is rigged. They got judges on their side with rulings that are punitive to the Walker side in terms of whats legal and what isnt in their pursuit of him. And I dont see the Republican Party anywhere in there defending the guy, and I think Scott Walker ought to be one of their highest touted success stories. I really do. I hope and pray Scott Walker wins. Let me address something here. This reminds me. We had a call last week from a woman who, You know, youre gonna hurt, Rush, youre way too critical of the Republican Party. The Republicans are our only hope. And I know what she meant. She was afraid that I would cause people not to vote Democrat, but just to sit home and not vote. And thats not my objective, obviously. The best thing that could happen in this election is everybody voted against Democrat incumbents. Theres no question. I can dream and wish that the Republican Party had a stated alternative which spelled out what they were going to do to fix this, but thats not there. But that doesnt mean that I dont want them to vote in the election, and it certainly doesnt mean that I dont want the Democrats to lose. I do. This is crucial. This is just the first of many that hopefully the Democrats will lose. That has to happen. No two ways about it. Its not even a lesser of two evils thing. There is no alternative to it, no matter what the Republican Party is or isnt at the moment. I mean, you can try to teach em a lesson all you want, but if you succeed youre just gonna get more destruction of the country as the Democrats win and win and win and youre not gonna show anybody, not gonna teach em a lesson. I think that has been adequately demonstrated. BREAK TRANSCRIPT
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 17:52:13 +0000

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