Democrats insist we have a race problem in America and that it is - TopicsExpress


Democrats insist we have a race problem in America and that it is the fault of the GOP. Statistics prove otherwise. Read the below and decide WHO it is that is acting against African Americans: Republicans or Democrats? Philly is a Democrat City: If the Ku Klux Klan killed 200 black men in the city of Philadelphia, I can assure you that we would be on lockdown… Every federal agency known to mankind would be up there trying to figure out what is going on. But 200 black men were killed in Philadelphia last year. —Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter Sharpton, Holder, Jackson, Obama, Waters – the race hustlers – blame white racism for the murder of Blacks, yet, “[I]n the 513 days between Trayvon dying, and the Zimmerman verdict, 11,106 African Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans.” – IJReview. That’s a black murdering another black at the rate of almost one/hour, 24x7, sustained, over nearly two years. African American unemployment is at sustained record heights, and everything Obama has done economically has made it worse: “If [former President] Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem [black unemployment], we probably would be marching on the White House, Cleaver [said]” Cleaver is the head of the CBC Is American educating, securing or employing Blacks as we are Whites? Nope. But it is BECAUSE of the Democrat Party and its supporters. What does the GOP want? Better education (but that would mean overthrowing the largest donor to the DNC – the teacher unions), safer streets (there are NO statistics that show gun control to make streets safer; in fact the opposite is true), and economic policies that foster GROWTH and close the borders, BOTH of which will RAISE the standard of living of African Americans. Who votes AGAINST these policies? Blacks. You figure it out – I can’t.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 17:34:05 +0000

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