Depression is a hard place to be. Even when it is controlled - TopicsExpress


Depression is a hard place to be. Even when it is controlled through medication. It makes every other problem or challenge in life more difficult. Its hard to get motivated. Its hard to get out of bed. Its hard to remember things, like eating. And taking those medications. Its hard to tell people about. Its hard to reach out for friendship, companionship, or help. (And thats hard enough already!) It also makes some things easier. Its easy to blame yourself. (Its not your fault.) Its easy to isolate yourself. Its easy to fall into self destructive habits and addictions. Its easy to stay silent. To crawl into a hole and pull the hole in behind you. And it hurts. It makes all the pains of the body worse. It makes the brain hurt. (No handkerchief needed.) There are indications that depression actually causes physical pain as well. It isnt something that has a quick fix, or any fix at all. It just is. You have to deal with it. Just like you have to deal with winter, and cold, and not enough sunlight. But its hard. You have to keep yourself on a schedule. Eat regularly. Take the meds. Exercise. Keep moving, talking to people, doing things. You have to push the darkness away, turn on a light, light a candle. Communicate, coordinate, consolidate, cooperate, all those co things that involve you with the world around you. Include yourself in life. You dont need someone to tell you what to do. You dont need someone to fix you. But you do need people. You need to remind yourself that you are not alone. That there are others who have the same, or very similar, problems. You need to get out and be with friends, family, like-minded people. Or, if you cant get out, you need to invite those people in. Or ask them for help. (Oh, how hard that can be!) You know what you need to do. You do. Depression is a hard place to be. Im going to go hug my husband now. And my cats.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 01:37:47 +0000

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