Depression is a spirit, a disease sent to afflict the body and - TopicsExpress


Depression is a spirit, a disease sent to afflict the body and torment the mind. A person doesn’t get depressed over-night, it has been lurking and waiting for the opportunity to take control over your thoughts and this spirit doesn’t travel alone, it has companions. You need to be able to recognize the symptoms of depression just as you would the common cold. If there is no preparation or preventive care to offset this disease then you become vulnerable to its power, and once it has gotten possession it’s difficult {not impossible}to get rid of it. This is one of the spirits in the Bible which can be called or known as a strongman. “But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.” Matthew 12:28-29 Before the spirit of depression enters the mind, other demonic spirits are at work to manipulate your thoughts, attitude, and character, many times we don’t pay attention to these spirits and accept the behavior because we believe it to be justified. The Bible says,(Proverbs 23:7) “ For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.” These spirits attach themselves and work on your emotions. That is why many times, you “feel” something is not right, but don’t always know what it is or why you feel that way. You are being manipulated and set up by the demonic spirit of depression, to get control over your mind. Matthew 26:41 says “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Any enemy knows that to win a battle, he must learn his opponents weakness and vulnerabilities. Here is a list of some of the low spirits that are sent to attack your mind through your emotions: despair, despondency, sadness, sorrow, unhappiness, gloom, dejection, rejection, loneliness, melancholy, misery, wretchedness, trouble, mortification, worry, discouragement, dispiritedness, hopelessness, pessimism, distress, desperation, desolation, dreariness, heaviness of spirit, dullness, disconsolation, downheartedness, woefulness, cheerlessness, disconsolateness, dolefulness, darkness, bleakness, oppression, low-spiritedness, low self esteem, gloominess, glumness, disheartenment, sadness, sorrow, grief, unhappiness. Recognize these spirits and don’t allow them to linger in your thoughts, take actions against them God has given those who filled with His Spirit power to overcome these spirits. The joy of the Lord is your strength. In Gods presence there is fullness of joy!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 03:19:59 +0000

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