Destroyed from WITHIN (WE the People can do this to withhold the - TopicsExpress


Destroyed from WITHIN (WE the People can do this to withhold the changes ahead! ).... Stand up Americans! We have become an Oligarchy,, not a democracy anymore,, though there is an illusion still,,, Protect the Constitution,, left or right ,, NO,, Wrong or Right! Rand Paul 2106 ,,instead of Hillary or Jeb Bush, to continue in the Decline of America, s demise under orders from the world elite 1% who fix every election,, to get either one of their puppets to rule,, puppets on both sides to carry out their Agenda against the people, and they have the money to control this left right game,,,, Ron Paul,, won against Romney last election,, he was a threat to the elite, for he was against these wars on terrorism, a money making machine for the elite,, not YOU!! An the death toll continues to grow, while they carry out their global dominant plan,, We are part of this,, they want to Unite the USA with Canada, Mexico,and Europe,, you WILL HAVE NO COUNRTY AN NO CONSTITUTION,, This is on our doorstep right now,, and ready to go,,, We are one event, or one election away from losing the USA!! Ron Paul Warned everyone for years,, and Paul, His son, is fighting for you in congress daily ,, to work around such bogus executive orders taking you rights away ,, since the Patriot Act, and hidden executive orders to take your property, as well,, UN Agenda 21,,, by GH Bush and Clinton.. aimed at making us a global government,,, the New World order, .... Putin stand strong for his people in Russia, and will not be part of this, ,, Our leaders are picked by the Elite Central bankers and royal familes,, etc,, Have you had enough? Libertarian/Republican ticket, Ron Paul, and now his son Rand Paul cannot save the US ,, without your vote this time around,, We need a landslide statement from Americans ,, to save The USA.. Ron Paul would have made it,, if people did not ally themselves with the left right top candidates,, and the vote was not so close,, Hillary Campaign, Jeb Bush Campaign Fear Ran Paul, and they did hi father, ,, why? he is not so quick to allow the destruction of our Constitution,which states,, we are not supposed to be at war illegally, from the start ,,including Vietnam,, without imminent threat,, the only reason they fight these illegal wars,, is to gain global power ever Mideast and take your liberties away in the name of safety ! Do not be victims , or lead us all into being so, The press is censored! tey have lied to you log enough,,, and now The USA and he constitution will be in the hands of non other than a small group of enormously rich people that funded Hitler ,, they are commiting genocide,,, the Jews In Germany thought this could never be,, until they were stripped of their property and their rights,, eventually right to live,, THESE PEOPLE DO SEE YOU A HUMAN,,REMEMBER THIS,, BUSH FAMILY AKA SCHERFF ,, FUNDED HILTER , AS WELL AS THE PEOPLE ELECTIONG OUR PRESIDENTS FOR YEARS,,, STOP THE MADNESS,, BEFORE WEARE UNDER MARTIAL LAW AS THEY ARE TRAINING OUR NEW ARMY,, NOT WITH AN AMERICAN FLAG,, BUT FOREIGNERS,, UNDER THE UN FLAG,, Read Up!!! attention!!! ,, Read the Georgia Guide stones,, their plan,, to depopulate by 90%,, They believe in this,, They started long ago,, with AIDS, EBOLA, MONSANTO, and our water supply, They , while you were not paying attention,, Have Full Rights over all of our resources,, and are poisoning us,, the Vaccine schedule designed not to help,, but to hurt,, See Bill Gates lectures,!! WAKE UP WAKE UP! eel free to stop by our page here ON FB,, END AGENDA 21,,, it is time we started acting as WE the People through Congress again,, not through The UN Treaties we know nothing about @ Never voted on these atrocities,, including as seven country military plan ,, to take out the Mid east! Nothing to do with the terrorist boogie man they have created, supplied, and armed! So you have three choices, I) accept the Global Government and give up our sovereign USA and constitution 2) Wait for the onsst of WWIII,, In which we know the planet cannot sustain, 3) Vote in unity, peacefully, for the people that protect our Constitution and Republic, ,,,,,,,, You missed the boat last time,, if Ron Paul had a even more votes than he did, or we at least addressed the voter Fraud,, WE WOULD NOT BE HERE, ,, do NOT vote for Hillary of Jeb Bush,, ,, this is Nazi Germany on a global scale,,,
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 19:21:46 +0000

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