Detox Dr. Dave Frahm, ND Fasting is a significant - TopicsExpress


Detox Dr. Dave Frahm, ND Fasting is a significant tool to employ in both the maintenance and retrieval of health. Giving the body a break from digestion allows it to focus all its energies on cleansing and healing. As the toxic load is reduced, cell function is enhanced. Tissue and bone healing is maximized. And the body will steadily and systematically cleanse itself of all but vital tissue. At first, large quantities of waste matter and digestive residues pass into the blood stream. Tongue may become coated. Breath may become foul. Headaches and nausea are not uncommon. Other discomforts that might happen…fatigue, increased need for sleep, insomnia, skin rashes/eruptions, nervousness/panic attacks, nightmares, lack of concentration, irritability, soft stools, loss of memory, loss of motivation, dizziness/hypoglycemic-like reactions, depression, anger, anxiety, foul body odor. As toxins are filtered out of the circulatory system into excretory organs: kidneys (dark urine with strong odor), colon (runny stools, mucus ropes, smelly), skin (smelly sweat, body odor, eruptions), nose (runny), eyes (watery), lungs (bad breath, phlegm). As “internal housing cleaning” progresses, you may experience any of the following: increased energy and vitality, increased ability to handle stress, increased resistance to colds/flu, enhanced feelings of well-being, clearer thinking, reduced cancer counts, disappearance of allergies. Benjamin Franklin “The best of all medicines are rest and fasting.” Joel Fuhrman, M.D.....Fasting and Eating for Health ”The fast does not merely detoxify; it also breaks down superfluous tissue – fat, abnormal cells, atheromatous plaque, and tumors – and realeases diseased tissues and their cellular products into the circulation for elimination. Toxic or unwanted materials circulate in our bloodstream and lymphatic tissues, and are deposited in and released from our fat stores and other tissues. An important element of fasting detoxification is mobilizing the toxins from their storage areas.” Evart Loomis, M.D. “Fasting is the world’s most ancient and natural healing mechanism. Fasting triggers a truly wondrous cleansing process that reaches right down to each and every cell and tissue in the body. Within 24 hours of curtailing food intake, enzymes stop entering the stomach and travel instead into the intestines and into the bloodstream, where they circulate and gobble up all sorts of waste matter, including dead and damaged cells, unwelcome microbes, metabolic wastes, and pollutants. All organs and glands get a much-needed and well-deserved rest, during which their tissues are purified and rejuvenated, and their functions balanced and regulated. The entire alimentary canal is swept clean. By rebuilding immunity, health is naturally restored and disease disappears. If health and immunity are thereafter conscientiously maintained, the individual is no longer vulnerable to disease, and dieting becomes unnecessary. Surely one of the most overlooked and yet most valuable modes of healing that will be rediscovered in the future of the new medicine is the fast. This is because of the increasing interest in looking to oneself for healing powers. For the fast is an inward process and cannot be entered upon only from an outer approach with an expectation of a lasting benefit. The person must invariably be involved with the overall results. This therapeutic encounter is in direct contrast to the usual non-involvement in the physician-directed, disease-oriented medical practice of today.” Patricia Bragg Ph.D. “Proven throughout history for physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation, fasting promotes cleansing and healing; helps normalize weight, blood pressure, cholesterol; rebuilds the immune system; and helps reverse the aging process. If we are to get these poisons out of our bodies we must fast. By fasting we give our bodies a physiological rest. This rest builds vital force. The more vital force we have, the more toxins are going to be eliminated from the body to help keep it clean, pure and healthy.” Otto Buchinger, M.D……Fasting: The Buchinger Method ”Fasting is, without any doubt, the most effective biological method of treatment…it is the operation without surgery…it is a cure involving exudation, reattunement, redirection, loosening up and purified relaxation. While fasting, the patient improves her or his physical health and gains much. But he or she will have neglected the most important thing if the hunger for spiritual nourishment that manifests itself during fasting is not satisfied. Juice Fasting Benefits: During the prolonged fast (after the first 3 days), your body will live on its own will burn and digest its own tissues by the process of autolysis, or self-digestion. But your body will not do it indiscriminately! In its wisdom--and here lies the secret of the extraordinary effectiveness of fasting as curative and rejuvinative therapy--your body will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseases, damaged, aged or dead. In fasting your body feeds itself on the most impure and inferior materials, such as dead cells and morbid accumulations, tumors, absecesses, fat deposits, etc. Dr. Otto Buchinger, MD, perhaps the greates fasting authority in the world calls fasting a refuse disposal, a burning of rubbish. The essential tissues and vital organs, the glands, the nervous system and the brain are not damaged or digested in fastin. -Dr Paavo Airola, ND, PhD Need for enemas: During fasting a huge amount of morbid matter, dead cells and disease tissues are burned, and the toxic wastes which have been accumulated in the tissues for years, causing disease and premature aging, are loosened and expelled from the system. These wastes are eliminated from the system by way of the kidneys, bowels, skin and lungs. But the alimentary canal, the bowels, is the main road by which these toxins are thrown out of the body. Since, during fasting, the natural bowel movements cease to take place, the toxic wastes would have no way of leaving the system, except with the help of enemas. If you fast without enemas, these toxins remain in your colon and re-absorbed into the system, poisoning your whole body. Your body will try to get them out through other eliminative organs, particularly through the kidneys, which as a result, will often be overloaded and even damaged. This is why enemas during fasting are an absolute must...they assist the body in its cleansing and detoxifying effort by wasking out all the toxic wastes from the alimentary canal. -Dr. Paavo Airola, ND, PhD _______________________ Hey, would you like some help with your health. Id be honored. Just let me know via a Personal Message here on FB. I can put you on my calendar for either an office visit or phone consultation. Dr. Dave Frahm, ND Serving you for Him
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 17:43:37 +0000

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