#Devotion Is Your Gift Still Wrapped? David was injured in a - TopicsExpress


#Devotion Is Your Gift Still Wrapped? David was injured in a car accident and he was taken to hospital where he had to go through surgery. The first person to arrive at his bedside was the comforter. As David was regaining consciousness and groaning, the comforter next to him also groaned. Every time David ached, the comforter ached. The servant arrived a few days later and said, “Hi Dave. What can I do to help you? Let me get you a soft pillow. Can I get you a TV set? What do you need done at home?” The prophet arrived – and his question was, “What did you do to land up here?” It wasnt long before the teacher arrived, with a Bible under his arm. After a short conversation with David, the teacher offered to share a passage in the Bible that he felt would be applicable. It would only take an hour! The exhorter arrived and said, “Hey David isnt God good? Just look at the opportunity He has given you to witness to the nurse and doctors! What a chance to get all the other patients converted! Isnt God good?” The administrator didnt even come to see David. He just phoned to ask the nurse when David would be released, because he would soon be needed at a committee meeting at the Church. The giver, knowing that David was going to be in some kind of financial embarrassment, arrived the day before his discharge and squared up the account. Romans 12:6-8 God has also given each of us different gifts to use. If we can prophesy, we should do it according to the amount of faith we have. If we can serve others, we should serve. If we can teach, we should teach. If we can encourage others, we should encourage them. If we can give, we should be generous. If we are leaders, we should do our best. If we are good to others, we should do it cheerfully. The bible is very clear that God has given each of us different gifts to use in serving each other. The sad part is that many of us still have not un wrapped our gift which means we have no idea what we have been given and so we cannot serve our fellow brethren. When you look at your local church, what percentages of people are serving others in the house of God? I read a statistic that said less than 20% of the people in church serve faithfully. The other sad thing is that we do not understand the different giftings and how they function and many times when we interact with someone whose gifting is different from ours, we think that they are wrong or we feel condemned. If only those of us in the five fold ministry would continually equip the people to understand their gifting, how they function and also helped each individual to find where they fit, the body of Christ would benefit greatly. Practical Application. Do you understand your gifting? Do you know how to work it? Do you know where you fit in the body of Christ? If you do not then begin your quest today!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 03:08:39 +0000

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