Did I ever tell you the one about the best $10 I ever - TopicsExpress


Did I ever tell you the one about the best $10 I ever invested? I’m pretty confident it will remain the best investment I will ever make because it gave me the raw tools and the literal blueprint to start my online business. I’ve never looked back. Within 4 months of stumping up the underwhelming amount of $10... I’d quit my day job. Been on stage at a UK marketing conference. Created and successfully sold my first product. Built my first list of customers And started helping others walk a similar path. Not bad for 10 bucks right? Sure, it wasn’t all plain sailing and I had to dig really deep at times to pull it off. It was/is a real roller coaster. But now, almost a year later, I have created my own report. Detailing exactly how it all went down and how you can follow the same steps and push for the same results… I’m pretty excited to think that I might help inspire just one person to find the freedom I’ve found. The report is a blueprint in the truest sense. There is no flowery back story. No rambling detours down memory lane. It’s just: “Do this, now do this, now here’s how to do this, no you need to do this and this is why.” You’ll learn… • How to get create a secure and profitable business from scratch, even if you are completely broke and running out of time. • The #1 element you’ll need if you want to succeed in ANY business venture (warning: this might require being nice to people) • How to get highly targeted traffic and create a massive buzz around your new product with only a spreadsheet and your laptop (no money required) • Why using my method will let you finally build a super responsive customer list that will buy from you time and time again (this is is close to ‘push button riches’ as you’ll ever get – write an email, press send, sit back and wait for the payday). • The easy market research techniques I use to understand my marketplace and why having it will work for you… every single time. And a whole lot more… Your choice: You can pick out the bits that are directly relevant to your current position.. Or you can follow through the step-by-step blueprint from start to finish. It’s designed with old school marketing techniques in mind. It is entirely customer focused and it will enable you to position yourself as an expert in any niche. I’ve spent the past year learning, testing, tweaking, applying and teaching these techniques. Now I have blueprinted them and turned them into templates - IN this report. It’s pretty killer! I’ve had other online coaches come to me for advice on this stuff. I’ve helped advise MBAs on this stuff. I’ve helped a good amount of people from all walks of life across multiple niches create their first products, sales copy and backends. I’m only selling limited copies at this price. Once they’re gone the price increases 10x. There aren’t that many good reports out there right now. The market is saturated with incomplete, half-backed WSOs and shoddy lead-magnets. So jump on this today and arm yourself with a new vision of where you want to be before the long weekend is out. Look at it this way… Niche research Competitive research Deep target research Product creation (templated) List Building Newbie & Advanced Copywriting (templated) Leveraging traffic Product Launches Funnels and Backends (templated) =====> for $10. The information in this report is not unique but it is relevant and it works. Following the information in this report has allowed me to pay off debt and quit my day job. Reclaim my time and free myself from the grind. Why is it only $10? Good question. That’s explained on the sales page. Find out more here: smallstrategicsteps/the-report-2
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:48:07 +0000

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