Did you know that when you closed on your home that you actually - TopicsExpress


Did you know that when you closed on your home that you actually pre-paid for your mortgage? Most new homeowners think that the Lender is loaning you the money to purchase your new home, but they have not loaned you a penny. A mortgage Lender or Bank cannot loan you any of their money nor their depositors (Clients) money by the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC, AND the bank or lender cannot loan you credit under the same law. How is it then that you got your loan? You are led, by all involved at the closing, to believe that you are, in fact, borrowing money from the lender which is then paid to the current owner of the property as compensation for them relinquishing any claim of ownership to the property and transferring that claim of ownership to you as the purchaser. It all seems so simple and clear on its face and then the transaction is hurriedly completed by the closing attorney or Escrow Title Company. After your closing, everyone is all smiles and you believe you have a new home and have to repay the lender, over a period of years, the money which you believe you have borrowed plus interest. Everything appears to be relatively simple and straightforward, but is that really the case? Could it be that there are other secret players involved in this whole transaction that you know nothing about that have a very substantial financial interest in what has just occurred? Players that you are totally unaware of have somehow used you, without your knowledge or consent, to secure a spectacular financial gain for themselves with absolutely no investment or risk to themselves whatsoever? Is there a standard operating procedure in the mortgage lending industry where this hidden aspect of a transaction occurs every single banking day across this country and beyond at the expense of the public as a whole? The answer is YES. Could it be that there was not full disclosure of the true nature of the transaction as it actually occurred which is required for a contract to be valid and enforceable under both State and Federal law? You got your presumed loan by signing a mortgage Promissory Note and/or the Deed of Trust (mortgage) papers that are Security Instruments, just like a $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, or a $1,000 dollar bill. These are all debt instruments. Just look at the front of any of these dollar bills above the United States Of America and you will see the words Federal Reserve NOTE (money), just like the promissory note you signed. And guess what. The U.S. Federal Reserve is NOT part of the Federal Government; it is a privately run corporation by bankers both foreign and domestic. The promissory note did not become money just, because you signed it. It was changed into money or a check and cashed at the second, hidden, closing with your Lender or Bank and the closing attorney or Escrow Title Company. At that time, before anything else, they made a copy of your promissory note and continued with the closing. What changed the promissory note into money was an illegal alteration of the note on the last page that was stamped by the Lender that reads, Pay To The Order (or Deposit of), WITHOUT RECOURSE, Bank of America or whoever your Lender was. When it was signed by a bank or lender official or representative and another copy with this allonged note was made to represent the original promissory note against the Federal Counterfeit Law. After your note was signed, it was immediately changed into money and deposited in the Lender or Banks account. Your money was then used to pay off the old mortgage and previous owner if any equality. This is why all the lost notes have NOT surfaced in foreclosure court proceedings nor have been recorded as a Certified True Copy by the clerk of Court in which your property is located. SO, WITHOUT your knowledge or consent, you pre-paid for your mortgage when this happened, because you gave them the loan first. It is funny how the amount of the loan that you gave the Lender or Bank by signing your promissory note is the exact same amount as your so-called LOAN that your Lender or Bank gave to you, isnt it? You gave FREE MONEY to your Lender or Bank and they are making you pay the principal back plus interest on your mortgage. Did you agree to give them tens of thousands of dollars for free? Was any of this disclosed to you before or at your closing? Did you have any knowledge of any of this when you closed on your home? I think NOT!!! Since there are countless errors, omissions, nondisclosures, and legalities your lender and title company made at your closing, you can make them pay by getting your mortgage removed. It is best to use a good mortgage removal company. Not all mortgage removal companies are the same. Some will take your money without you being able to contact them after you buy their program, because it does not work; therefore, it is up to you to ensure you select the best company for the job. My suggestion would be to call and see if you get an actual person to answer the phone and answer basic questions such as: Do you know what a Quiet Title Action is? Most Real Estate attorneys do not even know. David Young, The Mortgage Killer, is a consumer advocate with 1RealEstatehomes that focuses on teaching you how his Notarial Administrative Process works to get your illegal mortgage removed in 90 days and has helped over one hundred clients, in different States, take control of their finance by eliminating their mortgage. To get your illegal mortgage removed, visit Mortgage Rescue. Read how the mortgage lenders are cheating you and breaking the law. Remember, you have already pre-paid for your home at your closing by signing the promissory note and giving the lender a loan first, so why would you want to pay again with interest?
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:52:08 +0000

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