Did you know we have over 600 girls involved in Delight? Well, one - TopicsExpress


Did you know we have over 600 girls involved in Delight? Well, one of our amazing young women shared this in the group this morning & I felt it needed to be shared on here as well. . . Thank you, Allie Rittle for your wisdom & sharing your heart. Seasons of life. I think we as humans like to rank seasons (i.e. 1. High School, 2. College, 3. Engaged, 4. Married, etc.) in order from least to greatest. We tend to complain and rush through the lesser ones in order to get to the next step or promotion. Middle schoolers cant wait to be in high school, high schoolers cant wait to get to college, people in a relationship cant wait to get engaged and married, etc. But do you think that God would make a season that was of lesser importance? Why? God doesnt create anything half-heartedly or less valuable. He has been teaching me so much about the value in EACH season of our lives. Some people skip seasons (like college or living on your own) and some people do them in different order than others. But that is due to Gods plans for you! He has written down the plans He has for you on the palm on His hand and it was created before you were born! He took time and effort in to creating a beautiful masterpiece of a life plan for you and He KNOWS what you are going through and what you are about to go through. (Guess what song JUST came on the radio? He Knows by Jeremy Camp Perfect.) I have been praying for so long to be completely and truly content in this single season of my life. And Im seeing Him be faithful in such a big way! I truly feel that Im SO grateful not to be in a relationship right now because I can see how important this season of growing in Him is for me. This is a HUGE testament of how He answers prayer and how He cares for us. Whatever season you are in, it is VALUABLE and IMPORTANT. It may be a mountain or a valley but it has so much worth because God created it exactly for you! So whatever season you are in right now, I encourage you to THANK Him. He knows what is best and if you ask, He will show you the beauty and meaning of wherever you are right now. REJOICE that He has you exactly where He wants you to be. TRUST that this is a season of growing and of importance. God created you to be right where you are right now. Which means you are standing on Holy ground. Incredible.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 21:34:40 +0000

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