Didnt realise how many proverbs, sayings and phrases were knocking - TopicsExpress


Didnt realise how many proverbs, sayings and phrases were knocking about! PROVERBS & SAYINGS & PHRASES . 1. Birds of a feather flock together. 2. One mans meat is another mans poison 3. You can’t find a needle in a haystack. 4. You can’t judge the book by the cover. 5. A rolling stone holds no moss. 6. You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink it 7. The early bird catches the worm. 8. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 9. Many hands make light work. 10. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. 11. A stitch in time saves nine. 12. You can’t put an old head on young shoulders. 13. Seeing is believing. 14. The longest way round is the nearest way home. 15. There are two sides to every story. 16. Mutton dressed as lamb. 17. Better now than never. 18. There are plenty more fish in the sea. 19. Spare the rod and spoil the child. 20. There’s no smoke without fire. 21. Red sky at night is the shepherd’s delight. 22. Going from the frying into the fire. 23. Like the pot calling the kettle black ass. 24. Faraway hills are green. 25. Faraway cows have long horns. 26. God never closes one without opening another. 27. Like father like son. 28. A person’s mouth often broke his nose. 29. As crooked as a rams horn. 30. A slow hound is often happy. 31. It takes all sorts to make a world. 32. All good things come to an end. 33. Hear much and say little. 34. There’s no place like home. 35. Friend’s are better than gold. 36. Live horse and you will eat grass. 37. There are more fish in the sea what was ever caught. 38. Fine feathers make fine birds. 39. The last straw that will break the horse’s back. 40. Where there’s a will there’s a way. 41. Forth-coming events cast’s their shadows before. 42. Silent waters flow deep. 43. A mackerel sky never tells a lie. 44. It takes two to tango. 45. You have to live with one to know one. 46. After a storm comes a calm. 47. There is no hearth like your own hearth. 48. Many a ragged colt made a noble horse. 49. As straight as a bone on a ducks back. 50. You will never miss the water till the well runs dry. 51. In bad weather distant hills look near. 52. If february don’t fill the pools march will. 53. As lively as a march hare. 54. It takes one to know one. 55. No good crying over spilt milk. 56. The higher the mountain the bigger the fall. 57. There’s no dog like your own dog. 58. There’s no place like home. 59. No good putting water in a leaking bucket. 60. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. 61. He who hides finds best. 62. The older the fiddle the sweeter the tune. 63. The younger the chicken the sweeter the picking. 64. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. 65. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. 66. A bird in the hand is worth two on a bush. 67. You can’t put a new shine on an old penny. 68. Great minds think alike, but fools seldom differ. 69. One good turn deserves another. 70. Actions speeks louder than words. 71. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours too. 72. Run with the hare and hunt with the hound. 73. Give a dog a bad name and it sticks. 74. He who laughs last laughs the loudest. 75. Absent makes the heart grow fonder. 76. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 77. There’s no time like the present 78. Ask and you shall receive. 79. Seek and you shall find. 80. Knock and the door shall be opened. 81. The wheel turns slowly but surly. 82. God’s mill grinds slowly and surly. 83. Start as you mean to go on. 84. Love knows no boundaries 85. Best of goods are made up in small parcels. 86. Looking the gift in the mouth. 87. An idle man tempts the devil. 88. It is an I’ll wind that don’t do some body good 89. You can’t burn the candle at both ends. 90. Many are called but few are chosen. 91. Like mother like daughter. 92. No time like the present 93. It’s better to be born lucky than rich. 94. He could sell snow too an Eskimo. (cute). 95. He couldn’t sell ice cream in the sahara.(dull). 96. The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know. 97. Make hay while the sun shines 98. Like a cat among pigeons. 99. As old as the crows. 100.As old as the hills. 101.Put it in your pipe and smoke it. 102.As fast as a hare. 103.As strong as a horse. 104.As green as the grass. 105.Nothing smaller than your elbow in your ear. 106.2.In the air 1. On the slean [a good man cutting turf]. 107.As deep as the ocean. 108.As black as soot. 109.As clear as a lark. 110.As white as snow. 111.As quite as a mouse. 112.As cross as a bag of cat’s. 113.As dry as a match. 114.As cold as ice. 115.Putting the cart before the horse. 116.Jumping the gun. 117.Mocking is catching. 118.People in glasshouses cannot throw stones. 119.Never throw small stones as bigger ones can come rolling back. 120.History repeating itself. 121.Sooner rather than later. 122.The savage loves his native shore. 123.Cold hands and a warm heart. 124.Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 125.There’s never a dull moment. 126.As wise as an owl. 127.Calling a spade a spade 128.There’s always light at the end of the tunnel. 129.As sharp as a razor blade. 130.All for one and one for all. 131.Ask a silly question and you get a silly answer. 132.Taking the bull by the horns. 133.Put it in your cake and eat it. 134.As dead as a door’s nail. 135.Good times don’t last. 136.Fighting fire with fire. 137.Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names shall never hurt Me 138.What one won’t think of the other one will. 139.Share and share alike. 140.Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know. 141.Eaten bread is soon forgotten. 142.Out of sight out of mind. 143.Children should be seen and not heard. 144.Every cloud has a silver lining. 145.Money makes the world go around. 146.If the cap fits wear it. 147.Big is not always beautiful. 148.A dog is a man’s best friend. 149.Lightening never strikes twice. 150.You are a glutton for punishment. 151.A long road makes a short mile. 152.Beauty is only skin deep. 153.Better be sure than sorry. 154.If you knew as much as I know you still would not know enough And it would not be enough for you to know. 155.Hungry for knowledge or thirsty for the same [a curious person]. 156.What you see here and hear here that it must stay here when you Leave here. 157.From our mistakes we learn and that of others. 158.An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. 159.As black as the ace of spades. 160.If you can’t beat them join them. 161.You struck the nail on the head. 162.Taking the good with the bad. 163.Ignorance is bliss. 164.Silence is golden. 165.Give with one hand and take with the other. 166.As blind as a bat. 167.Like water off a ducks back. 168.Time will heal all 169.Patience is a virtue possess it if you can seldom in a woman and Never in a man. 170.The hardest thing to do is to bite the hand that feeds you. 171.You can’t get blood out of a stone. 172.When you give you get. 173.You can’t make a mountain out of a molehill. 174.His bark is worse than his bite. 175.You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. 176.Circumstances alter cases broken nose’s alters faces. 177.Having it from the horse’s mouth. 178.Hunger is the best sauce. 179.Where ignorance is bliss it is foolish to be wise. 180.It is nice to be important but it is much more important to be nice. 181.As grand as the tongs. 182.When you stop climbing your over the hill. 183.Like a daisy in a bull’s mouth. 184.One swallow never made a summer. 185.Your left-hand doesn’t know what your right hand is doing. 186.Improving with age. 187.Turn around is fair play. 188.Leading you up the garden path. 189.A shut mouth catches no flies. 190.Going from pillar to post. 191.A dumb priest never got a parish. 192.Time waits for know one. 193.One word borrows another. 194.Time flies and death approaches. 195.Once bitten twice shy. 196.Look before you leap. 197.A whistling woman and a crowing hen there’s no luck in the house They are in. 198.He would mind mice at cross roads. 199.Things are easier said than done. 200.Laughter is the spice of life. 201.Never trust the wag of a dog’s tail. 202.Show me your company and I will tell you what you are. 203.The taxman has got what it takes to take what you have got. 204.Feed the cold and starve a fever. 205.Whiskey makes you well when you’re ill and ill when you’re well. 206.Forgiveness is the key to happiness. 207.Out with the old and in with the new. 208.You can run but you cannot hide. 209.Put your money where your mouth is. 210.Too many irons in the fire. 211.As thick as a ditch. 212.As thin as a lath. 213.If all fruit fails welcome haws. 214.We grow too soon old and too late smart. 215. What goes around comes around. 216.Six of one and half a dozen of the other. 217.The watched kettle never boils. 218.As swift as the wind. 219.As weak as water. 220.As blue as the sky. 221.Think before you speak and look before you leap. 222.Youth must have their fling. 223.He who listens most listens least. 224.What they won’t know won’t trouble them. 225.We agree to differ. 226.The long arm of the law. 227.Two heads are better than one. 228.Too little too late. 229.Behind every good man is a good woman. 230.Act your age and not your shoe size. 231.Too big for your shoes. 232.God made them and the devil matched them. 233.As clever as a fox and as daft as a fool. 234.It wasn’t before time. 235.Spoiled for choice. 236.What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. 237.You have got to be cruel to be kind. 238.No rest for the wicked. 239.It’s to be smart than to be too smart. 240.Waste not want’s not. 241.Killing two birds with the one stone. 242.The blind leading the blind. 243.Adding fuel to fire. 244.First come first served. 245.A slip of the tongue is no fault of the mind. 246.Nature breaks out through the eyes of the cat. 247.In one ear and out the other. 248.What you’d see when you wouldn’t have a gun. 249.The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. 250.When hunger comes in the door the love goes out the window. 251.Foxy is foolish, fair is the next, brown is becoming and black is the best 252.Time and tide waits for no man. 253.The day of the storm is not the day to be fixing the thatch. 254.Let sleeping dogs lie. 255.Gone like water under the bridge. 256.Save the best things for last. 257.Like rubbing salt to the wounds. 258.Curiosity kills the cat generosity makes him fat. 259.Treat others as you would like to be treated your self. 260.Big is not always beautiful. 261.Well that takes the cake. 262.It is easy to climb a tall tree when it was knocked. 263.Don’t let the cat out of the bag. 264.An accident waiting to happen. 265.We live and learn. 266.What a difference a day makes. 267.Start as you mean to go on. 268.Good news can wait; bad news will never go away. 269.May the road rise before you may the wind be always at your Back, may the sunshine warm upon your face, the rain fall softly Up on your fields and until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of you hand. 270.A change is as good as a rest. 271.A problem shared is a problem halved. 272.Live and let live. 273.What to watch out for are a cows horn, a horses hoof, a dogs snarl, And an English man’s laugh. 274.Strike while the iron is hot. 275.Let no stone unturned. 276. Every one for himself and god for us all. 277.You cannot get blood from a turnip. 278.A slow horse will reach the mill. 279.The kittens dose what the cat dose. 280.The willing horse is always loaded. 281.Many hands make light work. 282.A bit of hard work never killed any man. 283.A whistling woman and a crowing hen will bring bad luck to the House they’re in. 284.When god made time she made plenty of it. 285.Leave bad news where you found it. 286.Talking never got the hay saved. 287.A kind word never split any mans lip. 288.When the going gets tuff the tuff gets going. 289.There is often a tear behind a smile. 290.Easy come easy go but having to spend what’s hard got is a blow. 291.Possession is nine points of the law. 292.Half a loaf is better than no bread. 293.Patience brings its own rewards. 294.The apple won’t fall until it is ripe. 295.Night never yet failed to fall. 296.The cow won’t have her calf until she is ready. 297.Money lent is money spent. 298.What is good for the goose is good for the gander. 299.Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. 300.Gods help is always near. 301.The ways of god are strange. Or [wonderful]. 302.God help them that help themselves. 303.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 304.There’s no fool like an old fool. 305.Beauty never boiled the pot. 306.Blood is thicker than water and easier seen. 307.There are no pockets in a shroud. 308.Many a day we can shall rest in the clay. 309.What you haven’t got you won’t miss. 310.Better to me an old mans sweet heart than a young mans slave. 311.Cut your coat according to your cloth. 312.The less said the better. 313.Let the dead rest in peace. 314.Putting two and two together. 315.The ways of god are wonderful. 316.Looking at meat in another mans window. 317.Seldom seen is much admired. 318.It’s good to be smart being too smart is not being smart at all. 319.The last mile is the longest. 320.Small strokes fell mighty oaks. 321.Every beginning is weak. 322.As long as a wet week. 323.A shut mouth catches no flies. 324.Trying to beat around the bush. 325.Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 326.Looking for bread on another mans window. 327.Two wrongs don’t make a right. 328.Completely out of the blue. 329.A street angle and a house devil. 330.Strike while the iron is hot. 331.It never rains but it pours. 332.Rome was not built in a day. 333.Into every life a little rain must fall. 334.Tomorrow I will get organised. 335.Leave well enough alone. 336.Red sky at night is the shepherds delight red sky in the morning is The Shepherds warning 337.Take the rough with smooth. 338.If you don’t venture you don’t win. 339.As dull as ditch water. 340.Good men can often be found wearing 341.Some people are never satisfied. 342.The traveller has tales to tell. 343.Though little it is tasty. 344.The world can’t make a racehorse out of a donkey. 345.A good word in court is better than a pound in your purse. 346.Time is a great healer or time is a great storyteller. 347.It’s for his own good that the cat purrs. 348.What’s strange is wonderful. 349.Every old shoe finds an old stocking. 350.Beauty never boiled the pot. 351.April showers bring mayflowers. 352.Ask no questions and hear know lies. 353.Art is long and life is short. 354.The apple never falls far from its tree. 355.Appearances can be deceptive. 356.A bad excuse is better than none. 357.Bad money drives good. 358.Bad news travels fast 359.A bad penny always turns up. 360.A bad workman blames his tools. 361.As you bake so shall you brew. 362.A barking dog never bites. 363.Where bees are there is honey. 364.Set a beggar on horseback and he will ride to the devil. 365.The best of friends must part. 366.It’s better to be on the safe side. 367.Better to be envied than pitied. 368.The better the day the better the deed. 369.There are no birds in last year’s nest. 370.A bellowing cow soon forgets her calf. 371.A bleating sheep looses its bite. 372.Blessed is he who expects nothing for he will never be disappointed 373.If you are born to be hanged you will never be drowned. 374.You can take the boy out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the boy. 375.Never send a boy to do a man’s job. 376.What’s bred in the bones will come out in the flesh 377.You cannot make bricks out of straw. 378.Happy is the bride that the sun shines on. 379.A bully is always a coward. 380.A burnt child dreads the fire. 381.The busiest men have the most leisure. 382.Business before pleasure. 383.Let the buyer beware. 384.If Candlemas day be sunny and bright, winter will have another flight. If Candlemas day be cloudy with rain, winter is gone and won’t come again. 385.Care killed the cat. 386.A carpenter is known by his chips. 387.Near cast a clout till May is out. 388.A cat in gloves catches no mice. 389.A cat may look at a king. 390.When the cat is away the mouse can play. 391.Charity begins at home. 392.Never choose your woman or linen by candlelight. 393.The church is an anvil that has wore out many a hammer. 394.A civil question deserves a civil answer 395.Cleanliness is next to godliness. 396.Hasty climbers have sudden falls. 397.Every cock will crow upon his own dunghill. 398.Constant dropping wears the stone. 399.The course of true love never runs smooth. 400.Why buy a cow when milk is cheap. 401. A creaking door hangs the longest. 402.Give credit where credit is due. 403.Crosses are ladders that lead to heaven. 404.What can’t be cured must be endured. 405.Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. 406.They that dance must pay the fiddler. 407.The darkest hour is just before the dawn. 408.As the day lengthens so do the cold strengthen. 409.Blessed is the dead as the rain rains on. 410.Do as I say not as I do. 411.Every dog has its day. 412.Every dog is allowed one bite. 413.Dream of a funeral and you hear of a wedding. 414.A dripping June sets all in tune. 415.Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. 416. You are what you eat. 417.An empty vessel makes the most sound. 418.An English mans home is his castle. 419.Every little helps. 420.Every man has his price 421.Every man to his own taste. 422.A fair exchange is no robbery. 423.What do you expect from a pig put a grunt. 424.Experience teaches. 425.What the eye don’t see the heart don’t grieve for’ 426.Fact is stranger than fiction. 427.Familiarity breeds contempt. 428.The family that pray together 429.If in February there’s no rain it’s neither good for hay nor grain 430.Finders keepers losers weepers. 431.First impressions last. 432.On the first of March the crows begin to build. 433.First things first. 434.When furze is in bloom my love is in tune. 435.One funeral makes many. 436.Give and take is fair play. 437.Go abroad and you will hear of news at home. 438.Where God builds a Church the Devil builds A Chapel. 439. God made the country and Man made the town. 440.The good die young. 441.Good fences make good neighbours. 442.There are many a good tune played on an old fiddle. 443.Call no man happy till he is dead. 444.One hours sleep before midnight is better than two hours after. 445.An idle brain is the devils workshop. 446.Keep your shop and your shop will keep you. 447.You never know what you can do till you try. 448.If you lie down with dogs you will wake up with fleas. 449.Little leaks sink’s the ship. 450.A little pot is soon hot. 451.Love is blind. 452.Love me love my dog. 453.A man is as old as he feels a woman is as old as she looks. 454.Many are called but few are chosen. 455.If March comes in like a loin it goes out like a lamb. 456.Marry in haste repent at leisure. 457.So many mists in march so many frosts in May. 458.Never is a long time. 459.It is never too late to learn. 460.A new broom always sweeps clean. 461.He who pays the piper calls the tune. 462. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 463.One picture is better than ten thousand words. 464.Every picture tells a story. 465.If you play with fire you will get burnt. 466.Poverty is not a crime. 467.Power corrupts. 468.The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 469.Rain before seven fine before eleven. 470.It never rains but it pours. 471.Give a man rope enough and he will hang himself. 472.See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. 473.The sharper the storm the sooner it’s over. 474.Sing before breakfast cry before night. 475.Slow but sure. 476.Never speak ill of the dead. 477.Speech is silver and silence is golden. 478.It’s too late to shut the stable door when the horse has bolted. 479.One story is good till another is told. 480.Strike while the iron is hot. 481.A swarm in May is worth a load of hay, a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon, but a swarm in July is not worth a fly. 482.A tale never loses it’s telling. 483.Talk is cheap. 484.Talk of the Devil and he is bound to appear. 485.Third time lucky. 486.Don’t throw away dirty water until you get in clean. 487.There is a time and a place for everything. 488.Two is company three is a crowd. 489.United we stand divided we fall. 490.We must learn to walk before we can run. 491.For the want of a nail the shoe was lost, for the want of a shoe the Horse was lost, for the want of a horse the man was lost. 492.Don’t wash your dirty linen in public. 493.All is well that ends well. 494.Well begun is half done. 495.Wilful waste is woeful want. 496. When the wind is from the east it is not fit for man or beast. 497.A Woman’s work is never done. 498.Wonders will never cease. 499.No skin off my nose. 500.You have got to be cruel to be kind. 501.Two heads are better than one. 502.To be or not to be. 503.They is no fool like an old fool. 504.If you don’t venture you don’t win. 505.Give as good as you get. 506.It you fail try again. 507.Treat them mean and keep them keen. 508.Opportunity never knocks twice at any ones door. 509.It would skin a brass monkey. [Cold weather]. 510. He who lives in hope will die fasting. 511.I can cater for the needy and not for the greedy. 512.You should never send a bare footed man to buy shoes. 513.Meet a pin and pick it up, all the day you will have good luck. 514.It’s as broad as its long. 515.Playing second fiddle. 516.Penny wise and pound – foolish. 517.You reap what you sow. 518.Turn the other cheek. 519.Another nail in his coffin. 520.One foot in the grave. 521.Self - praise is a bad recommendation. 522.Gods help is nearer than the door. 523. Too little too late. 524.It was soon that he got his legs under the table. 525.Like the ghost of a dead dog. 526.He is a chip off the old block. 527.Feathering his-own nest. 528.A little learning is a dangerous thing. 529.Money speaks all languages. 530.Action speaks louder than words. 531.There are bigger fish to fry. 532.It is time to bury the hatchet. 533.No pain no gain. 534.It is good to have them and bad to want them. 535.It wasn’t off the street he licked it. 536.The least said the soonest mended. 537.As poor as a church mouse. 538.Let bygones be bygones. 539.You’re a dark horse. 540.Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present And this moment is mine. 541.It’s the little things that count. 542.He who goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing. 543.If your are not in you cannot win. 544.Necessity is the mother of invention. 545.Adding fuel to fire. 546.Friends you can choose relatives you inherit. 547.Children and fools shouldn’t meddle with sharp tools. 548.He is as proud as a peacock. 549.Innocents are no protection. 550.Fog on the hill water to the mill, fog in the hollow fine day to Follow 551.Fog from the sea brings honey to the bees, fog from the hills brings Corn to the mills. 552.A good hay year a bad fog year. 553.Anything for a quite life. 554.Blind is the sack before it is full. 555.An old ox makes a straight furrow. 556.After a gather comes a scatter. 557.All’s well that ends well. 558.Promises are made to be broken. 559.Varity is the spice of life. 560.Short and sweet like an ass’s gallop. 561.Could be waiting till the cows come home. 562.He is as proud as punch) or as proud as a peacock). 563.Having your hand in the dog’s mouth. 564.For give and forget. 565.When the tuff gets going the going gets tuff. 566.A fat kitchen makes a lean will. 567.Good to have them and bad to want them. 568.He has bitten off more than he can chew. 569.A cat in gloves cannot catch mice. 570.Business and pleasure never mixed together. 571.Old habits die-hard. 572.By mistakes we learn. 573.Expect the unexpected. 574.The more haste the less speed. 575.An industrious man will never starve. 576.Questions that needn’t be asked needn’t be answered. 577.Man mind thyself and woman do thou likewise. 578.No rest for the wicked. 579.If you fail try again. 580.Too close for comfort. 581.The sleeping cat catches no mouse. 582.Beggar’s cant be choose’ers. 583.Make or break all or nothing. 584.Seldom seen is much admired. 585.How sharper it is than the serpents tooth to have a thankless child. 586.Show me your company and I will tell you what you are. 587.Be careful don’t let the roof(of the house) fall in and those within it never fall out 588.Making ends meet. 589.Practice makes perfect. 590.If its not one thing its another. 591.Two heads are better than one. 592.He who hides finds best. 593.Like a flash in the pan. 594.Straight from the horses mouth. 595.What you don’t know won’t trouble you. 596.If you don’t chance your arm you won’t break your neck. 597.We are all here because we are not all there. 598.You have got to be cruel to be kind. 599.A leopard never changes his spots. 600.Three sheets in the wind. 601.In god we trust others must pay. 602. Like water off a ducks back. 603.Like father like son. 604.Tell the truth and shame the devil. 605.A Cat can look at a king. 606.Time heals all wounds. 607.I cannot make head ass or tail of it. 608.Lost time is never found again’ 609.As cool as a cucumber. 610.Necessity is the mother of invention. 611.Quit while you are ahead. 612.Family’s that pray together stay together. 613.Self thought is better than sense bought. 614.Good riddance to bad rubbish. 615.Teaching ones grandmother to suck eggs. 616.Use your head to save your feet. 617.No news is good news. 618.When god made time he made plenty of it. 619.Old and feeble and disagreeable. 620.You should know your enemies. 621.Throw a bit of light on the subject. 622.If you do your best don’t mind the rest. 623.No matter our calling age will call all. 624.The old pipe gives the sweetest smoke. 625.Charity begins at home. 626.It is easier to fall than to rise. 627.It was into our oil can. 628.Man proposes and god disposes. 629.Marry in haste repent at leisure. 630.The brightest sunshine is after the rain. 631.A kind word never got a man into trouble. 632.As thin as a rush. 633.Talking never got the hay saved. 634.Colour will take black but black will not take colour. 635.The three sharpest eyes are the hens eye on the grain, the black smiths eye on the nail. And the loving eye of a maid. 636.Innocent until proven guilty. 637.Practice what you preach. 638.Happy is the bride that the sun shines on. 639.Marry in May and you shall rue the day. 640.Nature is stronger than learning. 641.The longer the rosary bead the bigger the devil . 642.It is a long road that has no turning. 643.Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone. 644.Love many’ thrust few, always paddle your own canoe. 645.All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 646.The darkest hour is the hour before the dawn. 647.The cat likes fish but dare not wet his feet. 648.He would steal the cross off a donkeys back. 649.The best off goods are made up in small parcels. 650.Their space is better than their company. 651.The stones of the road are against them. 652.She was a hard nut to crack. 653.Stick with the truth and you can’t get hurt. 654.Nothing ventured nothing gained. 655.You could not trust him as far as you could throw him. 656.Once bitten twice shy. 657.Pulling the opposite reins. 658.We win some we lose some. 659.Like a mill stone around his neck. 660.Prevention is better than cure. 661.To the black cow its off spring is bright. 662.What fills the eye fills the heart. 663.You are the nail in the dogs mouth. 664.Every rose has its thorns. 665.The lesser of two evils. 666.You get what you pay for. 667.I would not give you the itch if i had it bad. 668.The pin is mighter than the sword. 669.Who killed cock robin I said the sparrow with my bow and arrow, 670.Who dug the grave I said the owl with my shovel and trowel. 671.A wet and windy may,fills the shed wuth corn and hay. 672. A proverb is the wisdom of many and the with of one. 673. A straw shows how the wind blows. 674. A man will never change his mind if he does not have a mind to change. 675. A fool may easily find more faults than a wise man can easily mend. 676. A liar is daring towards 677. Better to wear our shoes that sheets. 678. Debt is the worst kind of poverty. 679.Fools learn nothing from wise men; wise men learn much from fools. 680.He who goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing. 681.He who has being stung by the serpent is afraid of a rope. 682.Man proposes and God disposes. 683.Smooth waters run deep. 684.To confess that you have changed your mind is to confess that youare wiser today than you were yesterday. 685.There is no more dust in a sunbeam than in the rest of the room. 686.Where there is a will there is a way. 687.Least said is soonest minded. 688.Between two stools we fall to the ground. 689.Children and fools should not see a work that is half done. 690.Half a loaf is better than no bread. 691.As white as a goast. 692.As white as a sheet. 693.As right as rain. 694.As right as trivet.747 695.As pleased as punch or as proud as punch. 696.As happy as Larry. 697.As happy as a sandboy. 698.As happy as a cat at milking time. 699.As sure as death. 700.As old as a bush. 701.As old as methuselah. 702.Asold as the hag of beara. 703.As mad as a march hare. 704.As mad as a hatter. 705.As easy as winking. 706.As easy as falling off a log. 707.As fit as a fiddle. 708.As clean as a whistle. 709.As poor as a church mouse. 710.As black as night. 711.As hungry as a hawk. 712.As hungry as a hunter. 713.As like 2 peas in a pod. 714.As nervous as a cat. 715.As meek as a lamb. 716.As good as a play. 717.As quick as a flash. 718.As dull as ditch-water. 719.As large as life. 720.As keen as mustard. 721.As pale as death. 722.As good as gold. 723.As hard as iron. 724.As hard as nails. 725.As soft as silk. 726.As safe as houses. 727.As plain as a pike staff. 728.As sweet as honey. 729.As weak as water. 730.As weak as a kitten. 731.As strong as a horse. 732.As dead as mutton. 733.As cold as ice. 734.As cold as charity. 735.As warm s toast. 736.As quick as lightning. 737.As slow as a cab horse. 738.As blind as a bat 739.As flat as a pancake. 740.As heavy as lead. 741.As light as a feather. 742.As clear as crystal. 743.As pretty as a picture. 744.As cross as a bear with a sore head. 745.As a tree falls so shall it lie. 746.As a man lives so shall he die 747. A slip of the tongue is no fault of the mind.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 21:38:25 +0000

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