Dikembe Disembe has been sent to the remand. Most likely he will - TopicsExpress


Dikembe Disembe has been sent to the remand. Most likely he will while his time in remand till Monday at the earliest. The matter he faced was courtesy of his party. The party and himself knew that bail was going to be required for his release . Probably his background was not good enough to post the bail instantly. His party has several luminaries who could have released the 2m cash bail or surety at the earliest opportunity. Both failed and he is now being subjected to donations by well wishers online via MPESA . This incident is going to cow many young men and women from political engagement and advocacy especially at the behest of politicians . This incident also teaches all of us to be mindful of our language and choice of words . what we say sometimes is right but how we say it at times can be misconstrued. Am not suggesting that the young man used wrong language in the matter at hand. Am simply saying that we must all be cautious about our message. He will be out when time comes but his case teaches us many lessons. It also brings into focus the perceived bias in prosecution of cases. It should not be seen that cases of hate speech are treated differently by our law enforcers.. Am asking our leaders on whose behalf these young men post issues to be mindful of their welfare at all times . If dikembe was a son of a big man he would have walked out within 2hrs of bail promouncement. In another matter word has it that three different people had to raise money to post bail for the driver of Prime minister Raila Odinga . We must not allow our young men to shun civic duties. BUT we must also advise our young men to try and operate within the confines of legality. BEFORE posting anything PLEASE ask yourself , how would I feel if I was the recipient of the message. dont hide facts but say it respectfully in a manner that amplifies the truth . Dhier ma ka owadu ok moni nindo meaning the poverty in your brothers homestead wont make you lose sleep. Good night People
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:31:29 +0000

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