Do not lose sight of your greatest love and greatest passion. For - TopicsExpress


Do not lose sight of your greatest love and greatest passion. For those who live new lives in Jesus Christ (all Christians), it is a subtle yet steady road to letting the intoxication of the first moments of Knowing Jesus love dwindle away. We become anxious over life and relationships. Yet we are still Christians. We look for love and acceptance in any other person but Jesus. Yet we are still Christians. We like to attend church on Sunday but it is dutiful and not worshipful. Yet we are still Christians. We share our religious opinions as if the world needed more commentating and the Church needed more division. Yet we are all still Christians. Christian, what is keeping you from true grace and true love, that same power that affected you when you first believed on Jesus name and life? Mark today as a day to reclaim your first Love! Jesus loves you today as much as He did the first day you looked into His eyes and said, save me! No more and no less. His love is perfect and His love conquers all things. Remember how you once burned for Jesus? Remember how you once loved to bask in His Word and sought after the mystery of Christ? Remember how you once believe that if you had Jesus and nothing else then you had everything? Grace from your Father is calling you back! Listen and respond.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:39:34 +0000

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