Do u ever get the feeling that life is circular? I find it - TopicsExpress


Do u ever get the feeling that life is circular? I find it hilariously ironic that my 8 year relationship ended the same exact way that it began. I guess sometimes people use you to get what they need or think they want regardless of your feelings, as if you didnt have them to begin with. I suppose that is the essence of objectification. If one can never see the world outside of themselves, he loses the ability to embrace reality. Reality becomes a personal impression of how things should be instead of a public reflection of how things are. When caught in this personal impression of selfish desire, one cannot possibly understand that his actions effect the world. Instead, his actions become a step towards achievement, a step towards success. Success defined as an outward reflection of personal motivation instead of a mass movement towards unity. Is selfishness synonymous with success? Possibly. If rooted in the idea that you must compete, there is an inherent need to step on, overtake, or out live the successes of others. If one cannot compete, then one must degrade the success of others. There is no even playing field within or outside of morality for morality governs our conscience which now has little to do with success since success is a standard of comparison between people and competition in humanity is inhuman. But if success is rooted in an objective analysis of how one contributes towards unity, an idea that at our hearts we are equally valuable no matter the skills we possess and that every world view is equally valid as each is determined by the set of circumstances in which God has born each one of us, then success can be a vehicle for humanity to achieve balance. Perhaps there is something to learn from each circumstance that is invited into or rejected from our lives. Maybe if we can embrace these lessons we can achieve something that is not confined to selfish ambition, but is instead an anchor that all of humanity can hold to. Currently, pain is the only condition in which all of humanity actively participates because of our desire to watch our own back (an aint no flees on me mentality) instead of choosing to watch the backs of others (a fishing to feed the family mentality). How can one live peacefully when selfish success is inherent to the now international system that is American society?
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:18:30 +0000

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