Do you ever get tired of living the same day over and over again? - TopicsExpress


Do you ever get tired of living the same day over and over again? I mean yes there are different events but at the end of the day you still come to the exact same home and the exact same problems. No matter what you do to distract yourself during the day, your problems will be there to face when you go home that night. Do you ever just want to quit this thing we call life? To just put an end to all the pain, the hurt? I hate putting things on Facebook, but I only do it when I am at my very lowest point. At the moment, that is where I am at. Missing someone you loved for 3 years straight, someone you never gave up on and still cant bring yourself to give up on. Someone you wish would realise they feel the same way about you that you feel about them. Wishing that they would realise they need you and that you would always be true to him. Wishing we could be a happy little family. But no, Im one of those people who have no choice but to deal with losing what means the world to me. And it is hard. Life to me is now a day by day thing, I play the cards Im dealt as best I can. Have I thought about giving up? Yes. Is that selfish? No! You try walking a mile in my shoes. I guess everyone needs that someone, that someone to be there when no one else is. That someone who will love you and protect you and cherish you, and never want to let you go. But not everyone does, so next time you see a depressing status, dont scroll past, dont tell them to toughen up. Ask them if they are okay, let them know they are special and wanted. Because your attitude and response towards someones cry for help or cry for someone to just be there, has a HUGE effect on the actions and feelings that follow.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:03:09 +0000

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