Do you get it ? Think of government and their purpose , think - TopicsExpress


Do you get it ? Think of government and their purpose , think of what it is to control and to do nothing else . Think of what it means to have an agenda . from this moment on all you want and need is to learn ways of control and to be able to perfect that one thng . Stay with me here for a minute and listen. I am merely an observer of humanity and of life and of your slavery and I want you to know what I have observed . Nowhere in the human consciousness if left alone to think would someone be able to tell you what to be , how to live, and what to think. That has to be created in you . That is the origin and purpose of indoctrination. First they need to create a way to make you accept words so they create a belief system in you. Once they see that you can be made to accept a belief they can then devise other methods using that belief system to make you accept beyond the realm of just that belief system they created in you to now do any other thing they need from you. It starts with this simple hypnosis technique of control . Once they know you are susceptible they can do anything after that . Religion is usually the first step to it. From day one they make you believe in their gods . Once they know you will believe they can then design something or someone to mold your reality . They create many different beliefs and use them and instill them at a young age that you carry through life. Tooth fairies , easter bunnies , santa claus , god , jesus , authority, the boogie man , terrorists and whatever they expect you to “ believe” in. Remember none of these things can be proven in fact to exist so it is a belief . Of course as any good con man or charlatan these things are sold you you n a way that make them seem benign and somewhat fun and silly so you won;t see the real damage it does to your thinking , your perception of it , and your reality . From the time you are born they own your mind and start to mold your thinking . There are people who master you like a song edit. These people have done this for eons and know what it is to keep you from becoming well . They put you into their pockets with false words and meanings , subtleties that linger in your minds until they become you and notions become your acceptance of their reasoning to you . They now own you and control every thing you think . That is the job and agenda of government , government is mind control . That is all they do and all they study .... you are what they study and control . They know who , what , how , and why of everythng you do , expect and need to continue to be their subject . They would not be in the position of government if they were not worthy of knowing how to govern you, control you and manipulate your thinking . If you did nothing but study science you would know many things other people would not and know how to manipulate things within your field of study . If you did nothing but math you would be able to calculate things that the average individual could never comprehend . If you did nothing but study music people would hear you as a genius but never be able to do what you do unless thy looked deep enough and found the displine to follow those origins and learn it in the same depth . Government is control that is what they do and that is what they study. Never underestimate people whos entire life is designed to do one thing. They own the media whos job is to do one thing , their job is to create perception because they work for the people who work in government whos job is to control you . They have learned any tricks and tactics to teach their policy enforcement based on hundreds of years of slavery to show force to frighten you into compliance. Never allow yourself to Believe that all of this is new , its very old , never allow yourselves to accept that it is random as the entire reality that you exist under is within their control of you . Never let yourself think that any of what happens is coincidental as every they do is carefully planned out. Every time they run a new isolated “drill” in some small town nowhere they are testing a new method of control. The one thing they know beyond a shadow of a doubt is people in a collective are the same everywhere . They know that people will always react in the same way to various assaults and stimuli . They watch those people being groped at airports and gauge the reactions and make pie charts . Nothing is left to chance for them . It is all procedure. It is a matrix of learning and studying control of people. You are being studied and experimented on every day . Everything from how you react to a sports event to how you react to a new surveillance camera or new law they implement . They watch everything and make a new pie chart based on that reaction . Its the science of control and you are the guinea pigs . Get it ?
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 14:36:48 +0000

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