< Do you have any idear how hard face book made, just this post - TopicsExpress


< Do you have any idear how hard face book made, just this post for me to find? I wrote it on the 24th of Sept. Utter bullshit. < Chapter One Meeting Thyself... Have you ever heard a grown of thunder, sort of like a growl? And instantly it sounds like static in the sky? We all have. Its the hunger of home. The thirst for a family. And one little boy sitting in the window of an orphanige in London Square had no idea what those things were, but he sure dreamed of them some thing awful. Some nights he woke up in a cold sweat just hoping hes wake up in his mothers arms, and his father watching over them so kind. Chills he couldnt shake for days. And on rainy days like this, Peter loved to imagine being in a far far away land called Never Never. And today sitting in the canopy bay window over looking the entrance fields and gate, he thought to himself... Never never will I abandon my child. And off he strolled into Never Never Land. He had been coming and going so long he never noticed his shadow getting stuck on the threshold. Until one day his shadow leaped forward and yelled- Stop you fool! I am stuck here! Peter reeled in ecstatic excitement that such a feat came from his very own two feet. I have been from one end of the globe to the next, to the inner depths of the mind, and a million more places light years away. I have met many many rather suspicious creatures in my days as an imaginary child, but never never have I ever seen the likes of you. Who are you and why are you sticking to my feet?! What a puts, are we always this stupid? Peter couldnt figure out why this dark figure was so mean to him. Peter chased his shadow for days and in places Peter never ever thought existed, even though there was no place that Peter, the Pan hadnt ever been. He always heard the Lost boys in the back of his mind calling in unison- RUFE!!!! RUFE!!!!! YO!!!!!!!!!! And never never knew what it meant until he actually caught his shadow on the edge of the Eifel Tower. They climber higher and higher until just around the tippy top, his shadow slipped and dangled over the edge. Why what ever are you going to do now, shadow? First of all, my names not, Shadow, its Rufe, yo! And if you dont let me down Ill die with you right here, right now. Now Let go! And so, a reluctant Peter Pan, gave in. Some thing unfathomable to the young courageous boy whod been every where and done everything. Except be a part of a loving, caring, supportive family. Maybe thats why he stopped himself and extended his hand to his shadow, Rufe. If I help you will you promise to be my friend til the end? And how would I ever say no? As Peter took Rufes hand they both plummeted to the ground, fast than gravity could keep up. As they got closer and closer to the bottom of the tower Peter whispered to Rufe, always good to know Ill die with you when we do... Huh? Rufe sat perplexed upon a stack of thistles, still unsure of what to make of Never Never Land. He hadnt ever been there as many times as Peter. He had only gotten in a few times. One time the Lost boys found out he had gotten into Never Never Land and sought to his immediate removal. Rufe kind of held a grudge against himself since that day. Now today, with the Lost boys on theyre way to greet Peter, the Mighty Pan, he stood motion less on a wall, 15 feet high and 27 feet long. He thought could see Peter getting along with the Lost boys and just flying around, but as they got closer he realized that they were arguing about his presence in theyre home. Rufe, cling ed to the bottom of the wall, hoping to not be seen. But then Nibs just strolled up to Rufes casted outline and shouted- You cant hide if your Darkness! The other Lost boys Slightly, Curley and the Twins were zooming in and out making commentary over the sky so all of Never Never Land could hear what was going on. And so far Rufe, evening the score by evening wasnt even a thought. He learned right then that a shadow will always, and I mean always give you away, especially in Never never Land. So startled was Rufe, that he fell off of the wall and onto the ground in front of all the Lost boys. Who started flying around Rufe in a circle, pointing and shouting- Rufe, Rufe, Rufe! Watch out or youll no longer have a girl! Keep her away from the shore of the mermaid king will steal her away, yo! Rufe, Rufe, Rufe! Hes finally here, look at the chicken bare, yo! Dance chicken dance! Rufe, Rufe! Rufe! Watch out or well kick you out with a bang a rang and yomamas barbie qued sauce, yo! And off the Lost boys flew farther and farther into theyre well guild-ed home. Peter watched intently, trying not to show signs of rage and pure joy. So stuck on stupid, Peter walked up to Rufe, slaps him on the back and says- Welcome home champ... Hows it feel to be back? Rufe just groaned in mental agony. The Mighty Pan hadnt seen this but in the crying fields of Blood Valley where the Invisible Indians live. A place long since deserted since the tears fell. Rufe looked at Peter and said, all I want is to be a real boy, so I can show those boys that I Am as real as they are. I know I Am. Peter, childishly laughed and taunted his cousin of the alchemical process. But you are like the wind. Like a river with no river. Like a planet and no inhabitants. My Gods brother are you this everlastingly dense? Well, I do come from your spark. But I am not dark, nor do I wish to be. I Am light and can only be light because I Am a child of God... God, schmog. Ill believe in God when I see God... Well, wed have to die for that... You can sit here in this narrow doorway or come with me. If I turn the page and your not with me, your against me and forever shall it be. As Peter jumped into the air, he beckoned his shadow- Come on, you can do it! Flying is easy! Its just how light you think you are! Tinker Bell zipped over to Peter and cried- Im not too late, am I?! I was told you were coming today! I missed you so so much Peter! My Mighty Pan!!!! Tinker Bell flew right into Peters face she was so over whelmed at seeing the boy. Do you know how many blue berry fairy diners you missed? How many of these little ones want to see you! I mean Peter, they have only heard stories about you! I Am so glad to see you! And Tinker Bell and Peter Pan danced in the early morning air. Making butterfly and angel kisses in the sky. All the while the mighty Pan keeping a watchful eye on this mysterious shadow of his, who calls himself, this Rufe. Yo, Rufe... Youve almost got it, you just have to let go a little bit more! The page is coming and I seen high noon approaching, are you going or not my brother from another dimension?! Yes! BANGERANG! Gee! Thats funny to say, Peter. You sure thats the saying?! Bangerang yer buttocks up here into this vast canopy! You have a lot to catch up on, old friend! Old friend?! This is why Peter always, used to call Rufe, Perplex. Cause hed get caught up on anything and everything the mind would allow him to. Who is this, dark thing, Peter? This is, Rufe... Sounds strange but go with it, my Bella. Hello Ru... Fee... Do you cost some thing, are you from the land of Kangaroos? Do you jump? Only when hes scared. Im not scared! Are too! No Im not! Are so! And so the boy who always longed for a family stared out of the boys home window, smelling the rain and holding his hand to the window, so he could feel the coldness of the air outside. He had to feel some thing right now, because he knew in just a short while, the head warden would come in and tell this poor little heart if he can stay there at the school and home or if he had to go. Peter always understood what was happening even if people thought he was some where else, when they were talking to him. Peter! You know you are not supposed to be in that window sill! Get out of there right this very minute young man! But, maam... I Am no man, I Am just a child. And I will always be a child of God. Peter slipped out of the cozy little nook and stalked to the door way where Mrs Theresa stood with her switch and frowned eye brows. Come with me Peter, we will see if you have enough grace to stay here since you can not stay out of the window.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 17:23:57 +0000

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