Do you have the real Christmas Spirit? I need to summarize what - TopicsExpress


Do you have the real Christmas Spirit? I need to summarize what has been happening to my son Rikki for the past several weeks to catch you up... I had first contacted my landlord in November to make him aware that Rikki was very ill I asked him if he would work with us on the Rent possibly through hud or some other agency...he told me to contact him when we had a diagnosis...with the horrific diagnosis of adem he couldnt offer us any help and suggested to plan to move...that was hard news to receive on Christmas Eve, since we have no funds to move it looks like we maybe homeless! Since it is the holiday times a lot of agencies are closed...Please if anybody has suggestions or can offer housing or any kind of financial aid please let me know...if you can share my post with your friends I would really appreciate it so much! You can read more of our story below...I will repost them here... PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN...RIKKI HAS TO HAVE MEDICATION THAT WILL COST OVER $700! THERE WILL BE AN UPDATE ABOUT RIKKI AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE... Below is an update for December 17th ********************************************************************************** Hello friends, family and people reading this post today... I wanted to post this on Facebook about my stressful situation with my son this last couple of son lost his job about two weeks ago and then soon after went into hospital...he has had tests and still we do not know what is wrong with him! We are being told he has lesions on his brain...until we are given the results from the tests we have no idea why he has short term memory and has a hard time walking...being his Mom I am beside myself...I would rather be in his place! Those of you that knows my son knows he has such a sweet soul always helping other see him like this...I cannot put into words. Before my son lost his job we were depending on his income and even then still struggling to pay the friend is helping me with this project while I take care of my son...I have a website that gives me the opportunity to reach out to people to help me with my situation... goldcrowdfunding/glowing We came home a week ago last Saturday...we are still waiting for a diagnosis from the Drs at the Mayo Clinic...that was over a week ago! My son has not improved...he is not able to walk without assistance...his bedroom is upstairs since he cannot make it upstairs he is forced to bunk on the couch downstairs. My son is very depressed, emotional and has much anxiety as you could imagine not knowing what is so wrong with his body...its the not knowing which is so difficult for us both. I have our Rent paid for this month...but I have disconnect notices for my tv, internet and electric...I have enough groceries for about ten son has medication and when it runs out shortly I have no money to pay for more...without my internet I cannot do any business to help with bringing in an income...I am very worried about my son and our financial situation...please help with donating even if it is a small amount. goldcrowdfunding/glowing Please contact me if you would be interested in having your own friend will help you create your own project and help others do the same... goldcrowdfunding/glowing Thank you again so much for reading this post...god bless you. Update....December 10th... The reports from the Mayo Clinic were inconclusive so we still do not know what is going on with we are trying to go to New Orleans Oschner Hospital for further tests etc... If this is your first time reading this post please read explains everything that has been happening the last couple of weeks...thank you for reading this post and thank you so much to the first two generous and kind friends helping us financially and for your amazing support...every little bit helps...thank you! UPDATE December 11th... Last night my car broke down so the only option I had was to trade it in for another car...Rikki arrived at the hospital with my daughter at 2.19am this morning and by 3.18am three Doctors had seen looks like they are going to do a brain biopsy...this post will be updated as soon as we have more news...thank you again for reading my post and please keep us in your prayers...if you can help with any donation we would be so appreciative...thank you. Update December 12th... Rikki has been seen by 14 Doctors they have taken xrays with his obdomen, chest and pelvis...thank you everyone for being there for us. Update December 13th... Last night Rikki had violent seizures all night long and then had a violent headache, Rikki was given a new medication for the seizures which did not help...we finally fell alseep about 6am. Today Rikki went to have an MRI...he was gone for about two hours...they could not do the MRI because Rikki could not stop shaking, they may have to give him something to sleep so he can have the MRI. Rikki aslo has to have another spinal tap and other tests that he had at the Mayo Clinic as the tests were inconclusive. Please if you can think of any family members or friends that may not have seen this post...could you let them know about Rikki...posting on Facebook is a good place for us to stay connected to many people while we are at the Hospital with Rikki...thank you. Update December 15th... Rikki is now on 3,000 mgs of steroids a day which is helping him a can see the video of Rikki walking posted by his sister Roxan. Today Rikki had an MRI and maybe tomorrow he will have a spinal tap and then we wait to find out the results...we know that the Oschner Hospital have taken such good care of Rikki...we are so thankful for the care they have given him...thank you everyone for your so much needed support. Update December 17th... The Doctors are saying that they are more than positive that Rikki has Adem (you can google it) The steroids Rikki is taking are keeping him awake and also very hungry all the time...his brain is giving him the wrong messages so even when it is 78 Degrees in his room he still feels very cold. Tomorrow they are going to let Rikki go home with us...RIKKI HAS TO HAVE MEDICATION THAT WILL COST OVER $700!... Please if you could share this post with your friends...anyone that can help even with a small donation would really help us a lot...if you have paypal you can go to my website and send a donation ... goldcrowdfunding/glowing I am very worried about our financial situation with paying the Rent, we have disconnection notices for the internet and electric etc and now this expensive medication! Thank you everyone that has reached out with your support...we really appreciate any support at this time thank you! Hello Friends and Family I am finally back home and have access yo the internet. I first wasnt to thank those who have followed what my dear friend Julie has been posting for me in my absense and those that have cared enough to donate anything to make things a bit better for our family. I got home about midnight after another event filled day in the journey of trying to discover, Whats wrong with Ricky, and why cant he walk anymore?. Why does he flayell his arms about so out of control? I will be telling this a bit in reverse. Sat. AM. 7:30 We are packed and to leave the hospital. Just waiting for the discharge. Still waiting. Still waiting. Still waiting. 1:30 PM. The nurse comes in and tells us we can go and the Dr. wants us to have a months supply of a medicine that coats about $750.00 a month with no charge. The escort comes to the room with a cart and wheel chair and we are on our way. They seem as eager for us to leave as we are to be leaving. We are hustled to the car and sent off. We call Roxan to navigate out of New Orleans in the rush of Christmas shoppers and we are almost to her when she tells us she feels terrible with acid reflux and needs to get something for it, Tums or such. With the mention of medicine, Ricky says , Mom, we didnt get our prescription. We are compelled to turn around and go back to pick up these very important meds only to find out that they had never been called down to the pharmacy. I had enough to get us through to Monday when we could get it straightened out so we are back on the road to home. 2:00. Headed towards Slidell where Roxan is still waiting at the Racetrack gas station for us. Traffic is crazy and I am not familiar with some changes made in the traffic flow since I had been here several years ago. I was attempting to turn left into the gas station and I was in a turn lane one turn ahead of the NEW turn lane. We almost got T-boned. Fill up with gas and now it is almost 3:00. Ricky and I had nothing since breakfast and Roxan had eaten nothing. Ricky had been craving IHOP stuffed French toast so we head to IHOP. 3:30. As we are finishing up our last few bites of food, Ricky puts Hus elbow on the table and leans his head on his hand. Roxan looked at him and got this strange look on her face, slowly reached her hand towards his arm and says, Oh, sh*t!!. Now what could that mean? Mom, they left his PIC line in!! ( The PIC line is a tube they place under your arm area that goes into the heart on patients that are difficult to stick the veins for access for an IV). After some discussion and a few phone calls we are headed back to Slidell to the hospital there to have the tubing safely removed. We are not home yet and of course now it is dark and we have been on this mission all day I need to leave off here and I Wii return in a few hours to continue my tale. I am needed now to go help Roxan Sanders Haggard.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 22:53:16 +0000

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