Do you know where you want to be 10 years from now? Have you set - TopicsExpress


Do you know where you want to be 10 years from now? Have you set out goals? Have you envisioned that life you desire? Have you written it out, placed it on a dream board? Have you committed to the faith needed to pursue them? And most importantly are you taking action upon it? Every individual in this world has human nature, is tested with fear, doubt and discouragement. Each of us have a battle to fight on a daily basis, one that involves both negative and positive. This fight is mainly in our mind not our hearts. And what most have not realized yet is that there is peace we can create within our hearts, there is strength that can develop over practice, there is drive that can only come from consistency. These are the steps that I have followed through with the last 4 years to break down and break through... 1. Start your day with God, He is the ONLY One who can give you the strength to walk through the storms and be humble enough to enjoy the blessings. 2. Gratitude and affirmations overcome hardship. Every day have a practice that first focuses on what you are thankful for and where you will be. Be thankful for the small to receive an increase in blessings. Write it out, speak it, feel it. The same with affirming the life you desire. Write it out in PRESENT tense terms. I AM and I HAVE. You have to KNOW (have Faith) in where you are going, in your goals and in what you want to bless others with. 3. Eat healthy and exercise. Our minds are a direct result of what we are doing with our bodies. You must be feeding it what it needs to run on positive fuel. 4. Become an inspiration to others everyday. Choose to bless others with your words, your heart, your hug, your smile, your encouragement on a daily basis. Reach out to 5 people and let them know how much you care and believe in them. 5. When you work, work with everything you have in you. It isnt always the amount of time we dedicate to work, it is WHAT we are doing in the time we allot for our work that counts. Do what will create results and change lives! 6. Stop focusing on you. As humans we tend to worry about ourselves more than others. We focus on what is wrong, what we havent accomplished, why life is handing us such difficult circumstances. It is when we turn that focus to others and how we can make an impact in their life, those worries fall away and the blessings start flowing in. To release focus on myself and turn it to others I say this prayer daily: Please dear Lord, work through my hands, my heart, my eyes, my voice, my ears, my mind, my body and my spirit today to impact this world in the most powerful way I can. Allow me to serve you Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen. 6. Be a model for those around you. Do what you want of others to do for you. If you want more positive in your life, you must become more positive within yourself. If we focus on being the best we can be for those we care about and even those we dont know we realize that being an inspiration develops the strength to weather any storm that comes our way. 7. Understand that every moment is temporary. We tend to get caught up in what is going wrong in our lives here and now. Many feel they will sit in the same cycle and never be able to release it from their lives. We must break that cycle with faith and action. We must remind ourselves to laugh at the complicated situations, be aware of the negative and choose to be positive in those moments and know that life will have its ups and downs. This too shall pass. The only way to weather any storm is to walk through it, is to be aware of it, is to decide not to succumb to it. We must be diligent in our efforts of a mindset that inspires change, that focuses on the positive, that develops good in this world. If you are struggling right now, within yourself and your surroundings. It is simply down to decisions you must make on a daily basis. When it seems the hardest do the opposite of what your mind is telling you (fear). Choose to perceive that experience differently, in a positive light. You are STRONG. You are BEAUTIFUL. You have FAVOR. Be a BLESSING for others and the BLESSINGS you receive will expand to a level you never dreamed of! (To read this and many other posts/videos that help along your journey in life and business go to jennkmay/self-doubt)
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:26:51 +0000

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