Do you speak cat? Over the years of cat ownership, I have learned - TopicsExpress


Do you speak cat? Over the years of cat ownership, I have learned that it is more effective to ask/ tell a feline something in their native tongue. The single chirp of Where are you? in cat will lead to both cats coming running with their tails up in the air to greet me - or the answering here I am! chirp if they are busy. Much better than calling over and over again here kitty kitty. Also a corrective hiss or rowww goes way further than NO for getting a kitty to stop bad behavior. I can only replicate some of the body language however, lacking mobile ears and a tail. I can do the slow blink of love and trust, and the stretch out and show my belly. But no curiosity tail, or quivery excitement tail, or ears back wariness for humans.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 00:26:28 +0000

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