Documentary: Grounded Visit the Mercola Video Library By Dr. - TopicsExpress


Documentary: Grounded Visit the Mercola Video Library By Dr. MercolaThe surface of the Earth holds subtle health-boosting energy. All we have to do is touch it and become truly alive. In the documentary filmGrounded, you can see this amazing phenomenon transform the life of people who had been struggling with health issues like chronic pain, and one man who had been wheelchair-bound for decades is able to walk again.Even plants are drastically impacted when they are taken away from the Earth’s natural energy. Yet, the act of grounding, or Earthing, as it’s sometimes called, isn’t really an unusualphenomenon at all. It’s actually a natural act that virtually every living creature does instinctively. Your Body Needs its Connection to the Earth In the film, you’ll see an orphaned baby moose that instinctively lies on an Earthing pad to connect him to the Earth while he’s being temporarily housed in a trailer. The moose goes to the pad whether it’s concealed or not.This simple act, which can also be achieved by walking barefoot on the Earth, transfers free electrons from the Earth’s surface into your body that spread throughout your tissues.The effect is sufficient to maintain your body at the same negatively charged electrical potential as the Earth. This simple process is called grounding, and its effect is one of the most potent antioxidants we know of. Grounding has been shown to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, enhance well-being and much, much more.Upon first learning of grounding, most agree that, in theory, it makes sense. But many are still skeptical, and I’m the first to admit that it ishard to believe … that is, until you experience it for yourself. And the concept of grounding, and its necessity to human (and virtually ever living creature’s) health is not so much of a stretch when you consider that you are already dependent on and intricately intertwined with the Earth.Every time you take a breath of air or a drink of water, or absorb the ultraviolet light from the sun, you are, in practice, connecting to the Earth and using it for your very survival. Grounding is really one more extension of this; one more way that your body is intelligently designed to co-exist as a part of nature. Rubber and Plastic Shoes Disconnect You from the Earth’s Energy Flow Chances are it’s been awhile since you’ve experienced the benefits of grounding, as most Americans spend most of their waking hours wearing shoes with rubber or plastic soles. These materials are very effective insulators, which is precisely whey they’re used to insulate electrical wires. Yet, they also effectively disconnect you from the Earth’s natural electron flow.In the featured video above, Grounded, (in which I actually appear) you’ll see how poking holes in the soles of your shoes and inserting a grounding rod can allow you to stay grounded, as can special grounding shoes that are now available (sporadically). Leather-soled shoes will also allow you to stay grounded with the Earth. Walking barefoot is one of the easiest and best ways to stay grounded, but you’ll need to do so on the proper surface. Good grounding surfaces include:Sand (beach)Grass (preferably moist)Bare soilConcrete and brick (as long as its not painted or sealed)Ceramic tileThe following surfaces will NOT ground you:AsphaltWoodRubber and plasticVinylTar or tarmacIn todays world, this is more important than ever, yet fewer people than ever actually connect with the earth in this way anymore. Free radical stress from exposure to mercury pollution, cigarettes, insecticides, pesticides, trans fats, and radiation, just to name a few, continually deplete your body of electrons. Simply by getting outside, barefoot, touching the Earth, and allowing the excess charge in your body to discharge into the Earth, you can alleviate some of the stress continually put on your system. For example, walking barefoot can help ameliorate the constant assault of electromagnetic fields and other types of radiation from cell phones, computers and Wi-Fi. Grounding is an Anti-Inflammatory and Helps Thin Your Blood One of the primary health benefits of grounding is its antioxidant effect. It helps alleviate inflammation throughout your body. The film shows examples of inflammation, demonstrated via thermography, that is significantly reduced following grounding. This in itself is groundbreaking, since inflammation is at the root of most diseases, including heart disease. Dr. Stephen Sinatra is a prominent cardiologist featured in Grounded. I alsointerviewed him this year, and you can watch the interview below. Ten years ago, Dr. Sinatra met Clint Ober, who introduced him to grounding.You can see Clint Ober demonstrate Earthing here.According to Dr. Sinatra, inflammation thrives when your blood is thick and you have a lot of free radical stress, and a lot of positive charges in your body. Grounding effectively alleviates inflammation because it thins your blood and infuses you with negatively charged ions through the soles of your feet.Grounding helps thin your blood by improving its zeta potential, which means it improves the energy between your red blood cells. Research has demonstrated it takes about 80 minutes for the free electrons from the earth to reach your bloodstream and transform your blood.Hypercoagulable (thick, slow-moving) blood contributes to chronic inflammation, because when your blood does not flow well, oxygen cant get to your tissues. Groundings effect on blood thinning is so profound that if you are taking blood thinners you must work with your health care provider to lower your dose otherwise you may overdose on the medication. You can see an example of grounding’s effect on blood cells inGrounded, as well.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 03:28:38 +0000

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