Does anyone feel these symptoms or know someone who does? The - TopicsExpress


Does anyone feel these symptoms or know someone who does? The Bodybuilding Competitor Syndrome: Breaking the silence of this crippling condition There is a strange phenomenon that occurs to individuals during the process of becoming a bodybuilding competitor. This affliction shows no preference for class and can affect every competitor from bikini to bodybuilder equally. When, how, or why this change occurs is unknown but it’s existence and serious nature must be brought to light. We competitors, and the entire bodybuilding community, must address this issue and can no longer deny the development of this overwhelming and sometimes crippling condition. If you or someone you know is a competitor, I highly suggest you review the following signs and symptoms to determine if you or someone you know may be affected: The TOP TEN signs and symptoms of the Bodybuilding Competitor Syndrome (BCS): 10. Intermittent loss of all body hair (with the exception of the scalp) and the development of the preference for no body hair. 9. Feeling the inexplicable need to perform an “ab check” daily upon waking. 8. A newfound admiration and overwhelming desire for the development of visible and extremely protuberant veins as well as an inability to refrain from commenting on the veins of others. 7. New, obsessive questioning “does that have salt?” or “how many grams of sugar?” when offered food prepared by others. 6. The names of the days of the week are replaced by body part names. 5. The determination of the suitability of a life partner is based on whether or not they lift or compete. 4. The terms “selfie, cutting, bulking, transformation Tuesday, and flexfriday” become part of the normal daily vocabulary. 3. The weeks of the year become a constant countdown. 2. Inability to NOT flex, take flexing pictures, or assess leanness when passing a mirror. And the #1 sign or symptom that you or someone you know may be exhibiting the Bodybuilding Competitor Syndrome: 1. Despite it’s previous dislike, the complete dedication of an entire pantry shelf to nut butters of every variety, brand, and flavor. If you or someone you know is exhibiting three or more of the above signs or symptoms, a diagnosis of the Bodybuilding Competitor Syndrome is highly likely. It is important to not approach or accuse anyone exhibiting this syndrome as they can become vey defensive and typically resort to the “hater” denial tactic. This syndrome should not be confused with the Recovering Bodybuilder Syndrome (RCS) which displays signs and symptoms such as asking others to hide specific food items from them, despite a previous history of “selfie” posting, the now complete dislike for those taking “selfies,” and the constant pursuit of all information regarding metabolic syndrome, if it fits your macros (IIFYM) eating, and reverse dieting. Proper diagnosis of the BCS should be made as quickly as possible given the possibility of the BCS to develop into RCS. Should you suspect BCS, successful treatment has been reported with procedures such as: cold-turkey social media detox, BCS support groups, and strategic long-term nutrition and training lifestyle plans. The recovery from BCS is very promising and with proper diagnosis and treatment, those exhibiting this syndrome can move forward to live normal, healthy, and fit lives, while still maintaining somewhat shredded abs. WRITTEN BY: Dr Brandy Segura NPC Bikini
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 01:59:39 +0000

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