Donald Trump has threatened to SUE the Scottish Government over - TopicsExpress


Donald Trump has threatened to SUE the Scottish Government over their plans to build 11 wind turbine generators off of their northeast coast. This because he is planning to build a monstrosity golf course/resort (to honor his late Mother) within what would now be sight of the proposed wind facility. His latest rant includes protests such as “they (wind turbines) kill birds and they are made in China.” The current Scottish (Nationalist) government is pursuing ambitious plans to “generate the equivalent of all of Scotland’s electricity consumption” using sources of renewable energy by the year 2020. Since he is now apparently so concerned about the well being of birds, it made me wonder if Donald has considered how many other varied species of wildlife, including birds, his proposed golf resort might potentially displace and possibly even kill during it’s construction and future daily operation. If he truly is worried about the welfare of birds, why then wouldn’t Donald build… hmmmm say, maybe a Scottish BIRD SANCTUARY? It could be a safe haven for birds of all feathers except, of course, for Chinese birds. Now let’s consider a small sampling of the infrastructure that would be required to maintain the lifestyles of the potential clients at the would-be golf resort. These would include roadways with, let’s guess, LOTS of traffic just counting the resort staff and numerous other supporting businesses like, ummmm, fuel stations, food stores, restaurants, oh yeah, sporting goods stores, maybe a few souvenir vendors, etc, etc… OK… all good things for the Scottish economy. I get it. So, if Donald isn’t going to let the Scots build up their electrical grid with any wind turbines, AND since his mega-golf-plex-resort thing is likely going to increase the electrical demand on the existing power generating system, how does he think he can expect to keep the lights on at the resort? Is he going to run on batteries and scented candles? Is he going to build his own coal burning-oil burning power plant somewhere deep under ground where it won’t “kill birds?’ C’MON DONALD… HOW YA GONNA KEEP THE LIGHTS ON AND THE BEER COLD AT THE BAR???? Does he plan on sucking power from the Scottish residents? Will they ultimately be taxed or overcharged on their utilities to pay for upgrades or additions to existing generating facilities in order to provide much needed power to the Donald Resort? Hey, maybe he’s planning on “going green” and installing non-bird-killing solar panels, but only those that are made in America… or Scotland… no Chinese panels. And no Chinese food, or tablecloths, or TV sets, or iPods, or anything else from Wal Mart, especially none of those Wal-Martians. If I were any Scot who may stand losing a chance at a decent wage job either building or maintaining those wind turbines, I’d vote “NO” on allowing the Trump Resort any connection to the power grid as it exists and operates today. Oh look there, it’s him… it’s Donald out there on the course… Oh let’s watch… quiet now, here he goes… he steadies himself, addresses the ball, takes a swing back and… oh look… he shot a BIRDIE!
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 05:24:25 +0000

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