Dont be Afraid Human beings are slave to fear. We worry about - TopicsExpress


Dont be Afraid Human beings are slave to fear. We worry about our health, our age; financial means and our children. We worry about change and whenever theres a new development we say, The world is going to rack and ruin. Some people are already so brainwashed by fear that they are not happy unless they have something to worry about. The Scripture says: The disciples saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water; and they were terrified. But He said to them, Its I; dont be afraid. John 6:19-20 Time after time Jesus reassures us in the New Testament, Do not be afraid! I am with you! It isnt just good advice; its a command. If big, strong fisherman could be afraid, even with Jesus near them, it is no wonder that we can also become afraid. But Jesus was there to encourage them. He does the same today for you and me. You will not simply lose your fears because Jesus is nearby, but you will move past your fears when you realize that, high above the forces that appear to be controlling your daily life, there is Someone much stronger - God! Behind the rulers of humanity, whose incompetencies continually disturb your peace of mind, there is a Heavenly Ruler in control. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9. God is just as powerful today as He was in biblical times. Believe in Him; trust Him; listen to Him. This is the spirit of faith! Let us pray: Hearer of my prayers, today I pray for everyone who is afraid in some way or another. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:51:22 +0000

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