Dont expect a Waiting 2 Exhale sequel either. Author Terry - TopicsExpress


Dont expect a Waiting 2 Exhale sequel either. Author Terry McMillan told S2S, “I don’t think that’s going to happen. I really don’t. It’s been horrible since Whitney [Houston] passed away for a whole lot of reasons. Fox wanted to basically eliminate that character altogether from the story. How they thought that was going to work, I don’t know.” Terry, who seemed disappointed at the failed attempts, went on to suggest that someone else (e.g. Viola Davis) could have played Whitneys character. “As much as I loved Whitney and I loved her in that role…any time they can have seven different 007s, as iconic as Whitney was and still was, it was a role. It wasn’t Whitney Houston; it was Savannah; you know what I mean. I still think that Viola Davis would have done and could do a great job playing Savannah. SMH....Lets all collectively exhale...
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 15:06:05 +0000

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