Dont feel sad to loose someone who doesnt worth to be with you - TopicsExpress


Dont feel sad to loose someone who doesnt worth to be with you just tel him Golokile Baba 1. He doesnt treat you like a queen he just there to break your heart and waist your time, wena you are busy waisting your time with such person just move on and say phumakim. 2. He doesnt wnt to make sacrifises inside a relationship, he doesnt want to meet you half way and makes you to feel like a queen just take my advice and say Thank You For Nothing jour muskond. 3. He is always there for his friends mare he is not there for you, sister stop waisting your time dont you see that person doesnt derseve you aow it takes less than 24hours to replace that bastard so just tell him with no fear phumakim Devil. 4. He cheats on you everytime and the worst part he cheats you with your close friend but you forgive him because you think he will come to his senses aowa sister you derseve better mun just say phumakim satan. 5. He took ur virginity because you thought he is Mr Right but aftr taking ur virginity he doesnt come to you like before aowa he got what he wanted and he moved on so wena wht makes you to stay behind if he moved on le wena do the same move on and comfrount him and say Phumakim your rubber neck. Goood morng have u gud day
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 08:10:46 +0000

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