Dont get surprised to see it.. Aurangzeb & some Mughals too - TopicsExpress


Dont get surprised to see it.. Aurangzeb & some Mughals too (except Akbar who believes in Love Jihad ) did all this in the past in Bharat with Hindus who didnt converted to Islam.. Just revision of the past.. History repeat itself.. Then they use Swords now Bullets thats the difference only... .... Whahabis ideology followers Muslims r the Monsters , Violence loving people on the name of Jihad in Islam... BOYCOTT Peace TV..( Propaganda medium of Whahabis) Actually it is Piece (Boti Boti ) TV doing Propaganda & Brain washing Indian Sunni Muslims with Whahabis Muslims Ideology from Saudi Arabia , this ideology followers r mostly members of AL Qaeda, HAMAS, ISIS, LET, TALIBAN, SIMI, IM ETC What is Whahabis Muslims Ideology from Saudi Arabia?? From the past in India like Aurangzeb, Babar etc & other Mughals leaders in India there Ideology was also same or similar as Whahabis ideology.. They were even worst than Hitler in cruelties, violence & propaganda... Their Only aim is that whole world become Islamic & have Sharia law by Violence , Propoganda of Lies & population explosion.. Shia Muslims r good & they believe in Peace & Harmony & Unity with Non Muslims but Only Nation with Shia Muslims majority is IRAN.. More than 80% Muslims in world are Sunnis. 15% Shias.. 5 % Whahabis... They believe they r only true follower of Islam.. Saudi Arabia , UAE & Qatar r Whahabis muslims majority nation & they hate Iran & every persons whether Muslims or Non Muslims who dont follow their ideology. They especially hate Iran bec. Shia Muslims r not true followers of Islam as per Whahabis & Sunnis ideology followers too.. In India majority of Sunni Muslims dont follow Whahabis Ideology from Saudi Arabia but Pakistan , Afghanistan, Bangladesh & all Arabs countries who were Sunni Muslims majority r now following Whahabis ideology too or getting influened very much or getting brain washed due to huge money is invested by Saudi Arabia on preachers like Mr. Zakir for the Propaganda.. Its easy to brain wash Sunni muslims with Whahabis muslims ideologies instead of Shia Muslims.. Shia, Sunnis & Whahabis all three types of Muslims just slight differences but in terms of Jihad or Violence loving nature there difference is very much clear... A. Whahabis ( Monsters & they just love Blood & Violence & propoganda only) B. Sunnis ( Can be brain washed & made Whahabis easily or they can follow some of their policies or principles) C. Shias ( very less compared to above two & they hate both of them ) On three things Whahabi focus .. 1. Population Explosion.. Many wives policy & No family plannings policy. But Now many Hindus have One Child policy which means Natural death & extinction of Hindu Culture & Civilizations with time. ( China already canceled One Child policy) by 2250 India will become a Islamic country if many Hindus still have One Child policy.. 2. VIOLENCE.. Take any country except Indonesia.. Where ever Whahabis or Brain washed Sunnis Muslims (which follows Whahabis principles or policies) r in majority or more than 40 to 50%.. Minorities from Kafirs ( Non Muslims ) & even Shia Muslims all r becoming extent species slowly with time,. In Iraq & Syria, ISIS r killing Shia Muslims.. Israel - Gaza conflict was done by Hamas on Saudi Arabia instructions to divert world focus from Iraq & Syria ISIS blood bath.. They succeeded in it.. World forget about it. Hindus in Pakistan & Bangladesh in 1947 were world second largest population of Hindus in the world after India. At that time around 10% of total population but now 1 to 2% only.. 3. PROPAGANDA.. Lies & False news r spread like cruelties on Muslims etc in Kashmir ,Palistein etc all over the world to gain the Sympathy of people & then brain wash them for doing Jihad... Also By saying & showing Secular image... From Sabka Mailk Ek ha.. Then Sabka Malik Allah ha... Now.. LOVE JIHAD is also famous tool to convert Hindus girls to Muslims as todays girls follows Celebrities like Khan etc They use Propoganda For converting Hindus to Muslims & showing Sanatan Dharam as Blind Faith, Caste Ridden & with other evils etc & showing Islamic religion of Whahabis ideology follower is only Supreme... All Muslims are NOT same.. All Muslims are NOT Terrorist or Bad.. Majority of the Muslims in the world are Peace loving people especially Shia Muslims & Sunnis Muslims too who hate Violence or Jihad or Whahabis ideology & their priniciples... But Whahabis Muslims Ideology followers r curse on Humanity & Monsters on this World... Please all Hindus have Unity with Christians, Sikhs, Shia Muslims , Sunni Muslims too ( who dont follow Whahabis ideology), Buddhists, Jain & all other religions in the world to STOP propaganda of Whahabis Ideology from Saudi Arabia or Whahabis ideology influenced or brain washed Sunnis Muslims in India & world because there only AIM is to disturb Peace & Unity among Indians & World too... Partition of India in 1947 was also happened due to Whahabis & brain washed Sunnis by Whahabis Ideology followers only... How to Find them that which Muslim is Whahabis ideology followers...?? Normally, They never disclose it.. They will called them self as Muslims or Sunni Muslims.. Symptoms.. 1. They Abuse other Religions by raising points like Casteism etc & justify Jihad due to cruelties on them.. 2. They will talk of Peace only when other people them self criticize their own Religion , Rituals etc BUT when asked question about Horrific Laws of women in Islam & Violence all over world etc then they have NO patience for discussion.. Then they told story of Cruelties & USA responsible for it. In India, RSS & other Hindu org. responsible for it.. To justify every Violence & Jihad they have the reasons or excuses whole world is responsible for something or another thing except them... But actually Oil catches fires not water.. Bec. Its nature of Oil to become Violent easily on spark.. USA knows their Nature & giving sparks to them to control their Oil reserves.. They dont know any concept of Self Introspection or Improvement but they believe in finding faults at other Religion only.. Bec. Their basic principal is they r perfect , their views r perfect.. Thats it...Discussion & Thinking Stop here... But they believe in Convincing others of their views & not getting convinced any time.. Its difficult to find Whahabis & brain washed or influenced Sunni with this ideology but their Nature is that they cant hide them self for long... Bec. They believe in Convincing others & which means they have to criticize others & justify them self.... Those people who support Violence or Jihad they all r Whahabis Ideology followers.. This post is to exposed Whahabi Muslims followers who hide behind the veil of Muslims.. But Whahabis followers r not Muslims they r the Monsters on Earth... People has NO knowledge & Awareness about them.. They r the black sheeps which r hidding in the heard.. Bhad ki khal mein Bhadia.. Aware all Hindus & Bhartiya about Whahabis ideology followers muslims & how to identify them.. Whahabis followers & whahabis influenced & brain washed Sunnis in Iraq & Syria had killed 14 Lacs Shia Muslims in just One Month & they just not killed them.. They ate them too.. They ate them.. Can u beleive it.. ??? They enjoy eating them too... RAKSHAH or MONSTERS r still living in this world.. now they called themself Whahabis ideology followers.. Dont underestimate Hatred or Violence loving nature of Whahabis influenced people or their followers.. Identify Whahabis ideology influenced followers & send them to Janhum or Narak ASAP & make Whahabi free world... Thats the only solutions... Whahabis ideology inflenced followers r the cancer of Islamic World who has spoiled the name of Islam with their Violence & Hatredness & Jihad & Propoganda... Create & spread Awareness about them. The Intelligence Bureau has sounded alarm bells in a secret report about the growth of radical Wahhabi ideology in India. Vicky Nanjappa/Rediff reports. m.rediff/news/slide-show/slide-show-1-wahhabis-are-taking-over-indian-mosques-spending-crores-to-grow-ib/20140801.htm First up, two aspects you should know about the Wahhabis, the strictly orthodox Sunni Muslim sect, in India. 1. The current number of Wahhabi followers in India today stands at 18 lakh (1.8 million).
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 02:37:13 +0000

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