Dont worry if youre a wussbag...I wont hold it against you because - TopicsExpress


Dont worry if youre a wussbag...I wont hold it against you because I know what its like to be a grinder, grinding out an existance and being broke all the time. Am I rich you ask? No, but there is one thing that I am and to be honest with you and myself, Im quite proud of it. Here it is...are you ready? I am not afraid to take a step of faith and do somthing that on the surface may seem like a bad decision or even lead to my friends and family to ridicule me and my decision, but its a step of faith that is going the direction I want to be going in! Im sorry for calling you a wussbag...but thats what you are if you are always afraid to do somthing out of the ordinary, even though you know deep down inside that its somthing you really need to do...really want to do. But, wont go for it because you are already telling yourself that it wont work or I cant do that You defalt back to your wussbag normal state when confronted with a decision that is not normal for you. Heck, I will even go as far to say that half of you dont even have a clue what Im talking about and dont even care! Lately, all you see on YouTube are videos telling you to Wake-Up, but, I bet that most of the Awake people are Asleep when it comes to their personal financial freedom (they just go back to sleep the moment you mention somthing unnatural to their world like making money on the internet...and now from your smart phone) Yes...Its all just talk about the government and guns and survival in the woods during the Zombie invasion...but, the truth is that all these hoarders of food and water and ammo and guns and bug out bags. There is nothing wrong with that and even I think its a good idea to be prepared for the worst...but.... They and everybody else who live a life of mediocrity and grinding away every day of their lives thinking that one day its going to get better are the real zombies and slaves. They just go on day after crappy day without even giving it a thought, waiting for that special day when they are almost 70 and life suddenly gets...good? The golden years? In Germany they dont call it The golden years they call it THE EVENING OF YOUR LIFE! I think that most everybody would agree that calling it the evening of life is far more accurate than Golden Years. Why do so many people look forward to retirement? Its because they wont HAVE to go to work anymore!!! That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of! What do you think? I think that you need to be doing somthing about your finances NOW (dont defalt to wussbag mode here!) and take action! Do somthing that is going to free you up and let you take charge of your time and money. Ok, Im done with my little rant. If you agree then comment below. If you disagree with my position, then unfriend me! I want to have friends that are really awake and are on the same page as I am! Friends that are really going to help me. Outside of the box thinking friends that realize life is short and MUST not be wasted away by grinding. When you unfriend hard feelings! Im just getting too old for mindless, brain-dead time wasting trash in my life. Unfriend or comment below! P.S. To all my friends who are on the Hearing Aids Are Cool page, dont unfriend me because I really care and love each and every one of you and want to continue to give professional advice about hearing aids and anything concerning Audiology...ok
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 20:48:48 +0000

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