Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad piece in his status, Politician vs - TopicsExpress


Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad piece in his status, Politician vs journanlist might be interesting to read for his international views. But there is some glitches of hatred in his piece that he is pushing Malaysian nation to another civil war like 1969. 8. Prior to the Elections Najib had tried to win over the Chinese by ignoring the plight of the Malays. He even ignored the National Education Policy by supporting Chinese education with money. He tried to endear himself to the Chinese with more money. However the Chinese voters rejected him. Only 3% voted for him. Sounds like gross ungratefulness. For this Najib should dole out some more money, which would be the right thing to do... After weak General election in Malaysia the early 2013, Mahathir Mohammad took part against Chinese community in Malaysia. The Chinese community of Malaysia mostly supported opposition in GE13. Surprisingly, Dr M was among first politicians from ruling party, UMNO, that used a harsh language against Chinese. Blaming to Chinese for the weak election might not be so realistic but in a political venture by rolling alliance party (Barisan national) they try to push the nation to another civil war and the repeating of two time most common history of Malaysia; 1969 which Kuala Lumpur and many cities in this nation turned to bloodshed between races; then there is 1987 which calls as Dark days of Malaysia that caused a crackdown to Press and most commonly Chinese Running Newspapers. Mahathir Mohammad known with his humanitarian acts and his charitable work for peace, but his recent racial views and political activities put him in the limbo of trust. We know trusting to politician is not a genius action but knowing the position of the politician in his state of work make great impact to follow the procedures in many Fair Elections. ( If any.) Most definitely, Dr. mahathir Mohammad is highly appreciated prime minister of Malaysia who changed Malaysia from a small colony to a hot spot of the world. but Its not mean he didnt do wrong actions, and have not wrong views; Or maybe its not wrong he make wrong decisions as he is a politician as well as all before and after him. #Malaysia #Politics #GE13 #MalaysianChinese
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 03:48:08 +0000

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