Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao, Leader for Academic Freedom, Endorses - TopicsExpress


Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao, Leader for Academic Freedom, Endorses Barr Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao, Praises Barr’s Record of Support for Academic Freedom Former Congressman Bob Barr (GA-7), a candidate for the Republican nomination for the 11th District in Georgia, today announced that Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao, a leader in the grassroots academic freedom movement in Georgia, and one of the top three candidates in the recent Georgia State School Superintendent election who carried Cobb and Fulton County, has endorsed him for the July 22nd Run-off election. In publicly endorsing Barr, Dr. Bacallao said: “As a leader in the effort to ensure academic freedom in Georgia and oppose Common Core, I know Georgia needs Bob Barr in Congress. Bob has the experience and a proven record in Congress to make certain parents and local elected officials have the power to make decisions about what their kids learn in school. “The seniority Bob Barr will retain is extremely valuable to our grassroots efforts. Citizen activist need a Member of Congress with seniority who respects us, listens to us, and works with us to advance our values in Washington. Bob Barr has a proven understanding of how to do the job. “Equally important to grassroots activists, Bob Barr was an early opponent of Common Core. In June of 2013, Bob Barr attended and brought media attention to the critical Cobb County Board of Education meeting, delivering powerful remarks in support of academic freedom and in strong opposition to Common Core. “While other candidates say they oppose Common Core yet vote to empower it in Georgia, Bob Barr has been consistent in standing with the grassroots in opposition to Common Core.” In accepting the endorsement of Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao, Barr said: “I thank my friend Mary Kay Bacallao for her endorsement and support. Mary Kay has earned the reputation as a leader for academic freedom. I will always support academic freedom and I will work with Mary Kay and other grassroots leaders to make certain that we advance those mainstream values we all support in Congress.”
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 16:26:23 +0000

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