Dreadpost. Their is allways 2 sides of a story. His-story or - TopicsExpress


Dreadpost. Their is allways 2 sides of a story. His-story or their-story. I+l have l+l cronicalls and past present. Their is also 2 parallel stories. One the real one and the other a lie or counterfeit simple said a fraud wannabee imitator imanginary fake unreal ect. If you followed his-story the kings of kings whas crouned 1930 and they all went to bow for the lord of lords. But what happend? Oh lord danger the king of blacks and all races representing the poor meek and the humble is here to claim his and the empress as ligitimate rulers of the judean and isreal trone. You getting there easy now, so they put their protocols of zion (research wikipedia) to bring on the rule and devide in ask -a- nazy germany financing both parties to colect the gain. Furher translated the protocols to the advantage of his new reigh. All that this secterian jews spoke against outsiders wich use a hebrew word to identify them know as goyim( beastmen or cattle )this word goyim the furher replaced it with jews so the jews became goyim out of the german perspective and blacks as well. Dont believe dreadpost read the protocols of zion its availeble be educated. The mijn kampf is this same filosophy. Again to this black king talmud false jews are also racist concluding out of reseaching and reading this babylon talmud full of pseudo science real crap and fantasy imagination about blacks and people of dark complexion. Go read it come again. Ask a nazi jews beeing europian and russian even amerikkks is it evedently that the europian is following the talmud and is maybe also a jew (secterians and zionist)and what else but the same jewish patern of the atlantic jewish slavetrade market and 500 years of oppresion during the great middle passage We are actually living under the joke of this protocols if you have done your research now. The evidence again points into one direction to this secret society of aristocrate jews. If thats not evident to one to comprehend then read that stuff again till you overs why haile selassie is the redeemer and chosen one. Cant be ignorant to not overstand your own to be humble in true toughts and not arrogant. One is never to young to earn neither to old to learn each one teach one. Be educated know thy enemy get to know the blueprint of the devil for its out their on youtube wikipedia google and other internet conections. Then one could also overs why white supremacy created an false jesus to look white to keep blacks and the foolish sheepminded wakeup shalom
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 17:53:34 +0000

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