Drove to Allegany today for a non thrilling day of soccer. The - TopicsExpress


Drove to Allegany today for a non thrilling day of soccer. The weather was good though :) On my way home going around 80 on the thruway doesnt the hugest MF goose fly right into my path!! That thing hit the grill on my suburban so damn hard I thought pieces were going to fly everywhere, but no. Feathers feathers everywhere wtf...so I pull over to check out the damage and that gigantic goose is still all up in my grill..no joke, like seriously lodged in there good. So Im not quite sure what to do at this point..I call Shawn and AS USUAL he doesnt answer even after the 14th missed call..my kids dont answer which makes me wonder why I pay $$ for their phones! So I sit, decide to not call 911 and look even more of a fool than I already do with a MF goose in my grill...so I sit a little longer, still no one hits me up after all the missed calls. As I sit the goose is making movements..Im thinking great its quivering and thats gross, it does it a couple more times and I decide, thats it, Im taking the goose home. As I drive away, looking in the rear view mirror...there was the goose STANDING on the side of the road!!!! ALIVE which I must have also straddled over to get back on the highway...I have no idea how this thing lived!! My truck is all smashed to shit too!! Goose -1 Truck -0
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 00:58:49 +0000

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