Dry Bones Shall Rise Again! I remember going to the impressive - TopicsExpress


Dry Bones Shall Rise Again! I remember going to the impressive Iziko SA museum a few years ago. There, we were shown fossils of now extinct animals and things related to the stone-age men. Some of them date back to about 700 million years ago (well, so they said). Amongst the archaeological artefacts on display were very dry bones of these objects amidst many others. Those bones were very dry and lifeless! I marvelled at the wonders of God in them and wished that some of those animals were still in existence in our day. Alas! They are but dry bones now! If you see such a dry bone, then you would assuredly know that Ezekiel was a man of faith for saying O Lord GOD, thou knowest, and not a ‘No’, when God asked him if some very dry bones could live. The Lord God showed His prophet, Ezekiel, the spiritual (and even physical) state of His people (the Israelites) in the dry bones. They were spiritually dead, robbed on all sides, enslaved, cheated, and deprived of all that which was rightfully theirs. They were barren, had lost track of Gods Word and without hope at all. They were scattered all about in the lands of their enemies, wallowing in deep ditches of wretchedness, struggles, sorrows, worries, anxieties, fear, death, barrenness, prayerlessness, etc. In short, they were living but dead. Howbeit, the Lord commanded his prophet to speak life into the dry bones. He did, and live they did. Like the Israelites, many people are also in the valley of dry bones; the valley of despondency, where all things seem dead. Dead altars, failed promises, rejected applications, daily sorrows, multiple failed pregnancies, incessant sicknesses, an ailing or failing marriage, a stagnant career or ministry, rejected marital proposals, a closed heaven (which will surely yield unanswered prayers), can be signs of being in, or passing through the valley of dry bones. As a child of God, you don’t just accept whatever comes your way as the Lord’s doing! Whatsoever contradicts God’s Word – even if there’s just one contradiction to it – is definitely not from God, for He will never contradict Himself. He is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should go back on His Word. He will always do what He promised to do (Num. 23:19). Ezekiel reported that it was God that caused him to pass by the dry bones round about (Eze. 37:2). God may allow some terrific challenges come by His child, perhaps to test his faith and reliance on Him, or for reasons best known to Him. Nevertheless, I can assure you that they are meant to end in His praise in such life, IF such cooperates with Him through it all. He allows some situations in the life of His own, not because He wants to hurt to them (for that brings Him no joy) but to show Himself strong on their behalves (2 Chron. 16:9). He wouldn’t be with you when you walk through the shadows of death if He wasn’t privy to the journey in the first place (Ps 23:4). However, there is hope for a child of God. Dry bones shall rise again! For the Lord Jehovah is able to do all things! God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy [: to enforce revealed truth or to declare God’s purpose by speaking divinely inspired words] unto the dry bones. “Again He said to me, ‘Prophesy to these bones and say to them, O you dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.’” – Eze. 37:4. You have also got to prophesy (declare) God’s spoken and written word to every dry or unyielding situation in your life by faith, and in the name of Jesus. It can only be unto a man according to his faith, which his words often reflects (Mark 5:34, 10:52, Luk. 17:19). This is the more reason we’ve got to be mindful of the words we release in trying times. Nothing can defy the Word of God when it is appropriately affirmed by faith, and by the just! Peter was imprisoned because God allowed it. God definitely wanted to show that He is the Almighty, which He did. However, Peter could have also died, just like James, who had been shortly beheaded, if the church of Christ had not unceasingly cried out to God and pronounced life unto him (Acts 12). Jesus said, “And I will do [I Myself will grant] whatever you ask in My Name [as presenting all that I AM], so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in (through) the Son. [Yes] I will grant [I Myself will do for you] whatever you shall ask in My Name [as presenting all that I AM].” – John 14:13-14(AMP). He has promised never to forget, fail, or leave you in whatever valley of dry bones you find yourself in (Isa. 43:1-2, Deut. 31:8). He said, ‘Call to me and Ill answer you, and will tell you about great and hidden things that you dont know.’ – Jer. 33:3(ISV) Have you gone spiritually lukewarm and now have once-upon-a-time stories of past spiritual exploits? Is your ministry or marriage sick? Are you tired of your unfaithful spouse, hateful boss or colleague(s), or you simply lack peace? Are you tormented, oppressed, receiving constant disappointments and rejections? Have you been written off in your family? Have the doctors said that you are sterile because you have a damaged Fallopian tube, or unruptured follicle syndrome, or hormonal imbalances, or oligospermia, or whatever? I bring you God’s Word today, your dry bones shall rise again in Jesus’ name! Get off those negative (and sometimes unconscious) agreements to unpleasant situations and speak life into your dry bones now! Say to it, you dry bone (mention it), hear the Word of the Lord (quote the Scriptures), come back to life in Jesus’ name! You can search out Scriptures that address your particular situation. Google is a useful tool. Back up your prophecy with faith and a holy living. Sin, in a mans life, is potent enough to inactivate God’s promises, for it breaches God’s contracts or covenants with men. I pray that every dry situation in your homes, lives, careers and ministries receive the breath of God right now in Jesus’ name! The Lord shall crown this year for you with goodness and you shall testify in Jesus’ name! With the eyes of faith, I prophesy that October shall be a season of harvest for us in Jesus name! We will all arise and shine! Let everyone that has given up receive divine strength in Jesus’ name! It is well with you, me and all of God’s children in Jesus’ name! Shalom!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:23:54 +0000

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